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Help Changing '& 1' to '|0'


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so i wanted to do some hex changes


basically i want to ensure an item with lock n load behaves the same as someone with the perk


so i started working and i came to a halting end


i need to change



if((((XGAbility_Targeted(self) != none) && !XGAbility_Targeted(self).m_kWeapon.HasProperty(2)) && (m_kUnit.m_kCharacter.m_kChar.aUpgrades[58] & 1) > 0) && (GetType()) == 33)

to this

if((((XGAbility_Targeted(self) != none) && !XGAbility_Targeted(self).m_kWeapon.HasProperty(2)) && (m_kUnit.m_kCharacter.m_kChar.aUpgrades[58] | 0) > 0) && (GetType()) == 33)

here's the hex code

07 FF 09 82 82 82 77 2E D5 8C 00 00 17 2A 16 18 3A 00 81 19 19 2E D5 8C 00 00 17 09 00 CD D4 00 00 00 01 CD D4 00 00 0C 00 6F CF 00 00 00 1B 90 3D 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C 02 16 16 16 18 50 00 97 9C 1A 2C 3A 35 54 0F 00 00 58 0F 00 00 00 01 19 19 01 42 8B 00 00 09 00 60 3A 00 00 00 01 60 3A 00 00 09 00 03 B8 00 00 00 01 03 B8 00 00 26 16 25 16 16 18 0F 00 9A 1B F0 3B 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 2C 21 16 16

i just couldent figure out how can i change that '& 1' to '|0'


can some one point me out which part should i change ?


its worth mentioning i am using/playing long war

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I believe what you want is in the "Hex values XCOM Modding" wiki article. Also, be sure you understand "tokens" (in that same document).


You may also need the "How to understand Unreal Typecasting" article.


Unfortunately I've never gotten into creating XCom mods. I just know where the "bodies" are buried in the wiki :ohmy: .



Edited by dubiousintent
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Oh My God, Thank You Very Much, It Really Helped A Lot And I Was Able To Do That. Now Its Time To Test This Thing, Lets Hope It Works :D


EDIT : Cheers, its Working Flawlessly,Finally ^^ Thank You

Edited by srujanteja
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