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Graphics Issues After Upgrade to V1.21

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Have completed original The Witcher 3 game. Probably over 200 hours of play. Up until now the have seem absolutely no graphics problems. Now after update to V1.21 seeing a couple of issues. Two bridges in Novigrad and a windmill south of the city. Probably more issues but have not looked for any others yet.


DVD version .... Windows 7 Pro......i7 4790K ..... 16GB RAM.... Gigabyte Geforce GTX 970


Anyone else with these problems. Have removed all mods but still issues remain.


Any help appreciated.......



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You most likely have too many texture mods installed on your game. After the newest update, the limit for texture mods is about 15-17 from my own testing, for some reason it goes down every update. Using too many will render the game unable to load seemingly random objects (for me it was the entire model for kid Ciri at the beginning), and causes the infinite loading screen bug on your second load within the game.


If you don't have any mods installed, verify your game through steam or GOG.

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Thanks for reply. I had tried this several times with no success. I tried removing all mods from the mod folder and verifying files still no luck. After your reply I decided to try again as you pointed to texture mods being possible problem. This time I removed the entire Mods folder and verified the files through GOG. That did the trick all is now working and displaying correctly. Glad this worked out as I was beginning the think my GTX 970 was fried ...................... Have since reloaded some non texture mods and everything appears to be working perfectly.


Thanks again, you pointed me in the right direction........................

Edited by JayDub
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No problem, glad to help. As I said the limit for texture mods is about somewhere between 15-17 in my experience. And for some reason it doesn't depend on the size of the mod, just the number of mods that replace any number of textures. You should be able to use texture mods without an issue if you stay below 10, regardless of your GPU (unless something is actually broken). Being unable to use a single texture mod without experiencing significant bugs may be an indication of a larger issue.

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