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I was thinking about a mod that doesnt replace anything but it lets you Slide under stuff and allows you to knock down enemys from hitting them but I highly doubt this would be useful in anyway but it would be nice to see.

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Because of how collision works in NV, it's very unlikely that modders will find a way to let you slide through any objects. Of course I'm not a scripting wizard that knows this with 100% certainty but that's just my general understanding of the engine.


Slide tackling should be possible but it'd need some animations and even then it'd probably look and feel quite awkward, especially in third-person.


The sprinting mod allows for tackles so you can try that mod out if you want.

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I was thinking about a mod that doesnt replace anything but it lets you Slide under stuff


Because of how collision works in NV, it's very unlikely that modders will find a way to let you slide through any objects.

I think he's saying more of sliding under (like say a truck, for example) rather than through. For something like that you could alter the col mesh. And I suppose if you have the right custom animation you could slide and come out the other side. I'm afraid I'm not an animator so I can't help with that particular part.



and allows you to knock down enemys from hitting them but I highly doubt this would be useful in anyway but it would be nice to see.

The sprinting mod allows for tackles so you can try that mod out if you want.

I haven't used the sprinting mod, so that may be your best bet. But if you were looking to an alternative (and I don't know if the sprint mod simply uses havoc collision), a animation along with a placeAtMe of a small explosion (all force no damage) or a knockdown mgf effect might also work. But once again you do need that slide animation. There might be one in the BSAs but I don't recall ever seeing anything like it.

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