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[RELz] Ayleid Glow Rods


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Name: Ayleid Glow Rods

Version: 1.0

Date: 10/23/2011

Category: Miscellaneous

Author: The Vyper






Oblivion 1.2.416






The Ayleids used these magical glowing rods to light their way in dark places. They are formed by the magic contained within the pedestals in which they rest. When removed, their pedestals will begin the three day process of creating another glow rod.






Update 10-24-11: Added a plugin with darker versions of the glow rods. If you want darker versions and you've already downloaded the original file, you can download the optional .esp only file. Otherwise, download the main file and choose which plugin you want. The plugins will conflict with each other, so choose only one. The darker torches are dimmer and have a smaller light radius than the originals.


Ayleid glow rods come in seven colors: Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, White and Yellow. There are 32 glow rods of each color placed among the various Ayleid ruins. When you take one from a pedestal, another will take its place in three days. The glow rods never "burn out", so you don't have to worry about them going dark on you in the middle of a dungeon crawl. :thumbsup:


Big screenie of all seven in game:






Screenies showing the comparison between the light and dark versions:



































1. Extract this archive to any folder and then copy the contents to Oblivion's Data


2. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, and enable the .esp file(s).






1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).

2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.






None known.



Known Issues:



None known.






10/23/2011 - Initial release.






The Vyper at the BGS Forums or TES Alliance.

The_Vyper at TESNexus.






Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.

Thanks to Meo for allowing me to use the textures from Ayleid Clutter V3, available here & here.

Thanks to InsanitySorrow for his ReadMe Generator this file is based on.



Tools Used:



Insanity's ReadMe Generator

Elderscrolls Construction Set









The textures for the glow rods come from Ayleid Clutter V3. You will need Meo's permission to use them. The textures for the particle effects were made by me. Feel free to use them as long as you give me credit for them.

Edited by The_Vyper
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Oh I like that a lot, if you don't mind I will use your idea of mixing a cage 'n varla stone. You'll be credited of course :).

I'm planning to use it for a key mechanism, but I'll need to create another end :laugh:.

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Wouldnt it be an idea to add a picture of it here, not just the readme? We'd see that information if we were interested in dowloading it.
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There are images on the filepage and it saves bandwidth not re-using those images here again, but if you insist here is an external one:





edit-V-: lolwut, not I don't want floating ones, you want them yourself :P

Edited by Pronam
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Oh I like that a lot, if you don't mind I will use your idea of mixing a cage 'n varla stone. You'll be credited of course :).

I'm planning to use it for a key mechanism, but I'll need to create another end :laugh:.

I actually got the idea from Trollf's Armamentarium, so credit him instead. Thanks, though. :D


Wouldnt it be an idea to add a picture of it here, not just the readme? We'd see that information if we were interested in dowloading it.

A very good idea. It shall be done! :thumbsup:


There are images on the filepage, but if you insist:




Thanks for the nice screenie. It looks much better than my in game shots. I think I'll make a few of those myself.


Epic work Vyper :) Truly awesome.

Thanks! :happy:


Mind if I make a creature out of this? Nam really wants floating lights!

I'd like to see that. Go right ahead. Just make sure you get Meo's permission to use the textures. If you want to use vanilla textures instead, use the following:


Handle: ARWelkydItem01.dds

Cage at the base of the varla stone: ARIronWork01.dds

Metal frame for varla stone: ARIronWork01.dds

For the varla stone itself: ARWelkydStone01.dds


That will get you a nice blue version.

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1) Solid model! Good job!



There are images on the filepage and it saves bandwidth not re-using those images here again, but if you insist here is an external one:

I am sorry, but I get some "snarky" vibes of that comment. Not sure if that was meant or not. But:

1) Nobody loses if a picture is thrown in a post about a custom item.

2) If somebody got internet problems, having to change site is painfull and time consuming.


The pro's for having it really outweights the con's. So I really do not find any reason to "if you insist", as it is something terrible to ask for.


Again, good model!




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Sorry, I can get fed up if someone asks about images. You're decent as you comment on other aspects later, loads of people just complain about images to complain and never planned on downloading anything/commenting properly.

I didn't meant the bandwidth of the people, but of the site. The bots love these forums and any images hosted at the sites (It can be under an hour to be able to google to index it already), displayed another time outside the sites means a double load. It's not that dramatic but it makes a difference in the end.


I like the darker versions vyper. I will probably use them completely after all, just going to add an 'off' version as it'll power something :). Vanilla textured as that'll blend with some of the other custom items made in that mod. MEO's still epic though :P.

Edited by Pronam
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...okay then...


@ Vyper, I managed to set the glow rods up as a creature. It is pretty awesome, I will show you a video of it later. Maybe you could make a mod where you can summon these creatures? Maybe as a conjuration alternative to the "light" spell.

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