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the castle tunnels cleanup


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here is my idea:


i want to expand the castle. the lower levels of it are only used one time, a quick run through and its forgotten about. it makes no sense that noone would utilize the lower areas, theres plenty of room for a barracks, laboratory, maintenance bay, a cantina, and even a mess hall! heck, theres even a collapsed tunnel that leads away from the main structure that could possibly lead to an even more customizable area! who knows, maybe theres a VIP bunker, or even a vault! theres lots of possibilities!


there is already a mod that adds a workbench to the lower levels, which is wonderful, but there are a lot of items in the tunnels that cant be removed through the workbench. the shelving barricade, the fungi, the rubble... if someone could either make all these items usable through the workshop, that would be grand, but if not then maybe just cleaning it all up would be great?



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