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I just downloaded the Moonshdow Elves mod and the 3 or 4 things it requires to work, but i am a complete noob to this, i was wondering if someone could tell me in order what i need to do, it correctly get the Moonshadow Elves mod to work, i want to choose the atheletic body type as well as nude, no tattoos, if someone could tell me what i have to download and what i have to do in order so i can get this working properly, that would be really helpful, thank you.
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First, read this:


Are you running Windows Vista/7 and is your \Oblivion\ or \Steam\ directory in the default location (C:\Program Files\)? If so, Windows UAC is known to cause all kinds of issues while modding Oblivion and it's highly recommended to go ahead and move steam to somewhere Windows UAC doesn't affect, like C:\Games and reinstall Oblivion. If you're on XP you can skip all of this as Windows UAC isn't implemented.


Then, go ahead and install OBMM and/or Wrye Bash and run BSA Redirection as your form of Archive Invalidation one time. Without using some form of Archive Invalidation Oblivion has problems with using user created textures and animations instead of the vanilla content. BSA Redirection is the best solution to Archive Invalidation as it's practically fool proof and never needs to be updated after you've done it once.


The next step for a Steam installation is to use File Date Changer to roll back the "Last Modified" dates of all of the .bsa archives that come in your Vanilla Oblivion install (plus the DLC of course) to somewhere around 2005. This is necessary for BSA Redirection to work properly.


From here, be sure to make at least one character save in Oblivion so that you have a known working standard. I personally recommend playing through the tutorial dungeon (the sewers) up until right before the exit that allows you to change your character's aspects and keeping that save around permanently. This gives you a good testing base for adding mods in the future and you never have to play through the sewers again.


Now you're ready to start modding. I'd say take it easy and try something simple like a sword or a simple texture replacer and then go ensure that it's actually taking effect in your game. Moving on you can add other mods, though I recommend installing them one or two at a time and trying them out for a little bit before adding more. This way when an issue does occur (and it's bound to happen) you'll have a pretty good idea of where to start troubleshooting.


Here's a list of mods I'd recommend for any Oblivion install whether you're after grossly modded content or not:

The Unofficial Oblivion Patch and the Unofficial Patch Supplementals (Be sure to get the Shivering Isles patch for SI and the Unofficial Official Mods Patch for any other DLC you may be running)

Darn UI or Dark Darn UI

Natural Environments or All Natural



That's my "Beginner's Guide" to modding Oblivion. Ignore anything Steam related if you don't have Steam (Windows UAC issues affect Steam and non-Steam versions of the game).


Start with the female body replacer (most likely HGEC) and for an HGEC female body replacer I recommend EVE Variants. It's a compilation mod that includes multiple upper and lower sizes and the appropriate armor replacer sets for the body parts you choose. Once you get that installed, and working properly (actually go in-game and test it out) you can move on. The next thing I'd get is High Rez HGEC Textures. Be sure to get the facial textures available there, and generally speaking the lowest map size (1024x1024 or 2048x2048) version of this mod is recommended as there's no noticeable difference and the larger one just eats up unnecessary resources.


If you want BBB you'll need Coronerra's Skeleton, BBB for EVE Variants, and an animation replacer such as NoMaam. You'll have to install all three of these before it's possible to test them out, but once you have installed them do so.


After this install any "beauty packs" or whatever it is that Moonshadow Elves require, test it, then install your Elves.

Edited by MShoap13
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If you want BBB you'll need Coronerra's Skeleton, BBB for EVE Variants, and an animation replacer such as NoMaam. You'll have to install all three of these before it's possible to test them out, but once you have installed them do so.


After this install any "beauty packs" or whatever it is that Moonshadow Elves require, test it, then install your Elves.

MShoap13, don't forget to tell those guys they need ArchiveInvalidation as well, or else their changes might not show up. THe easiest way by using ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated

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If you want BBB you'll need Coronerra's Skeleton, BBB for EVE Variants, and an animation replacer such as NoMaam. You'll have to install all three of these before it's possible to test them out, but once you have installed them do so.


After this install any "beauty packs" or whatever it is that Moonshadow Elves require, test it, then install your Elves.

MShoap13, don't forget to tell those guys they need ArchiveInvalidation as well, or else their changes might not show up. THe easiest way by using ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated


2nd Paragraph from my quote covers that. I personally recommend Wrye Bash or OBMM's invalidation as all three use the same method and it's one less download.

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2nd Paragraph from my quote covers that. I personally recommend Wrye Bash or OBMM's invalidation as all three use the same method and it's one less download.


Oh yes, my mistake. I'm very sorry. Logically I always saw this as last step after installation, and didn'r see it there in your post. But as you say, with Redirection you just do it once.


I used to recommend OBMM as well, but don't do it any more. Too many users don't know which option, and then choose the worst one: BSA Alteration.

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