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earlier I made a point of mentioning that artists are fragile little things that are easy to crush lol
the thing that's protected them has been the relative reclusivity of PC modding for skyrim (and earlier) this isn't an insult, I'm fully aware of the existence of artsy types and ever since school they've always hid in the corners and in the classrooms

it's something I had kind of forgotten about so that when I suggested curated content with mod authors being involved and having produced content bundled together for a sale (as a way to make "paid mods" a thing while not destroying the artists' safety and the hobbyist community aspects)

so now I'm listening to elionora scream about the beth.net thing

and I mean, it feels bad to listen to but I'm on the verge of laughing too, but hey I've never got the whole "I'm the artist it's my work" thing

the only DRM that will work is a removal of downloadable mods for console, and replacement of it with DLC made from packs of PC mods scrubbed by bethesda of "bad" content (the stuff that's not allowed on beth.net currently) while keeping modding to PC's - this would require discussion between bethesda and modders, and increase sales for bethesda, while at the same time, formulate a stable pricing methodology for bethesda AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T ALIENATE THE COMMUNITY, that's producing the work they make extra money off of, and in fact, pays for those mods that are part of those DLC "packs of mods" (I'm against micro-transactions)

this will solve the current problem, it will solve the problem of hobbyist vs profiteer problems amongst paid mods, and would allow paid DLC giving the better modders an "in" to the work for profit if they're really into that

all of your talk about the legalities of this or that and nuance is useless unless you act, and actions are useless unless you take the initiative and set forth the framework that gives bethesda what it wants without letting it take more, and this thing I've suggested is the way to do it, lest you be consumed by your own inefficacy

Edited by tartarsauce2
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I'm still waiting for my pie... Did little Elmo get banned?


And regarding that 25 minute plum pie DRM.


From my years in software development: "I did it in 25 minutes, it was easy" == Junior Intern Programmer's FAMOUS LAST WORDS


"I did it in 25 minutes, it was easy"


One more time keeping in mind this is the DRM you're going to use for Nexus "I did it in 25 minutes, it was easy"


Can't wait to see how that pie turns out LMAO.

I think this downsbaby is talking to me... Can someone translate cause I saw his first post and initially discarded it as a delusional console kiddie.

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who me? o_O
I'm just someone who likes the celtic green man and would rather the fairy kingdom doesn't get pillaged by vikings and others brought here by the allure of skyrim, and who never played a previous title like arena or something - the opening up of computers to the less skilled has this issue and you aren't the first to face it ;)
(it's a weird thing, I'm totally a blunt personality but it's nice to know they're flitting about somewhere at any rate)

the cat sìth: a fairy cat; and the Cù Sìth: fairy dog.


The story of the Aes Sídhe is found all over Scotland and Ireland, many tales referring to how the Norse invaders drove Scottish inhabitants underground to live in the hills. This part of the legend contributes to the Changeling myth in west European folklore.

In folk belief and practice, the aos sí are often appeased with offerings, and care is taken to avoid angering or insulting them. Often they are not named directly, but rather spoken of as "The Good Neighbors", "The Fair Folk", or simply "The Folk". The most common names for them, aos sí, aes sídhe, daoine sídhe (singular duine sídhe) and daoine sìth mean, literally, "people of the mounds" (referring to the sidhe). The aos sí are generally described as stunningly beautiful, though they can also be terrible and hideous.

It is suggested, for example, that there are six 'takings' to match the "Six Ages of the World".[6] The Lebor Gabála became one of the most popular and influential works of early Irish literature. It is usually known in English as The Book of Invasions or The Book of Conquests, and in Modern Irish as Leabhar Gabhála Éireann or Leabhar Gabhála na hÉireann.
Edited by tartarsauce2
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I didn't read this thread, so it may have been said already, but having lived during (and been horribly affected by) the AIDS crisis of the 1980's, I find your choice of words to be disappointing and rude.


I consider you a gifted wizard of modding, and you've given me hours of entertainment.


However, I do ask you to please refrain from using a deeply personal pain for your rants.



Learn to deal with it, as someone who's suffering from genuine phobia and has to take pills i'm daily ofended by overuse of the word phobia, if i were to ask every last one of the regressives to stop i wouldn't have time to eat, sleep, drink, and expel waste.

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I didn't read this thread, so it may have been said already, but having lived during (and been horribly affected by) the AIDS crisis of the 1980's, I find your choice of words to be disappointing and rude.


I consider you a gifted wizard of modding, and you've given me hours of entertainment.


However, I do ask you to please refrain from using a deeply personal pain for your rants.



I missed this. To badly plagiarize the great god Milo, I would love to get AIDS, nowdays it's more a lifestyle choice than a death sentence, it would be amazing, think of the weight loss.


As well as the fact that I am pretty sure you are referring to the F term that doesn't rhyme with duck. Listen man, if my gay friends didn't use it so d**n much, I probably wouldn't either, it's actually not one of my usual's as growing up on a construction site it actually was never really used cause I guess it was a insult back then if I had to speculate. I think I made the point in one of my videos I find it hilarious that gay people have taken it back (At least from what I personally have seen) and it's a completely gay thing to do cause it f**ks over the people who try to use it as a slur. The most offended people by it are white regressive and probably since you bring it up, far older gay people etc, same way the N bomb is. Either way, I actually will never censor myself in my venues that i have power over, words do not hurt you, you hurt you, the sound waves I produce are not high enough to cause you actual harm, it's internal and controlled by your mind.



EDIT: Uhhhh what happened to the censor filter nexus? I actually edited my own curse words after hitting publish cause I noticed they were still there lol

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Kutesy Psykhoti© videos, lots of words.


Where's your wonderous Plum Pie.


Let me explain son.


Little Elmo == You're so shallow and little, beneath us all

sat in a corner == Nobody wants to play with you, you're freakin' weird

eating a whole plum pie == You're a fat greedy internet troll, that pie is made entirely of plums

stuck in his thumb, pulled out a plum, and said "what a smart boy am I!" == You stuck your thumb in a pie filled with plums and thought you were brilliant for finding one.


Get it now?

Little Elmo Horner sat in a corner eating a whole plum pie.

Stuck in his thumb, pulled out a plum, and said "what a smart boy am I!"


And in case you're still too slow to understand the deeper implication.


You stuck your thumb in a pie filled with plums and thought you were brilliant for finding one. == You spent 25 minutes on coding and testing and pronounced yourself brilliant "it was so easy!"


Your fail DRM == a 25 minute plum pie.


Thank you for attending another YOU GOT PWNED KID production

Edited by MasterMagnus
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Kutesy Psykhoti© videos, lot's of words.


Where's your wonderous Plum Pie.


Let me explain son.


Little Elmo == You're so shallow and little, beneath us all

sat in a corner == Nobody wants to play with you, you're freakin' weird

eating a whole plum pie == You're a fat greedy internet troll, that pie is made entirely of plums

stuck in his thumb, pulled out a plum, and said "what a smart boy am I!" == You stuck your thumb in a pie filled with plums and thought you were brilliant for finding one.


Get it now?

Little Elmo Horner sat in a corner eating a whole plum pie.

Stuck in his thumb, pulled out a plum, and said "what a smart boy am I!"


And in case you're still too slow to understand the deeper implication.


You stuck your thumb in a pie filled with plums and thought you were brilliant for finding one. == You spent 25 minutes on coding and testing and pronounced yourself brilliant "it was so easy!"


Your fail DRM == a 25 minute plum pie.


Thank you for attending another YOU GOT PWNED KID production

Anyone else want to try translating? I don't speak downs. I'll sleep on it, and when I wake up I will dose up on heroine, smash my face into a wall and then shove a fork in a lightsocket and read while I'm being electrocuted. I feel then i may understand.

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