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enable fading troubles


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i'm having a weird problem, someone pls tell me what it is :-)


I've got this script for some animated multipart-curtains to open and close.

it all works fine except for one thing: there's scripted enabling/disabling of linked refs (but no enable parenting whatsoever) involved, and i can set the 0 parameter to my enabling as much as i want, the objects still fade.

and no, can't check pop in, no enabling parenting here (impossible for several reasons) as said.


i first thought this might be some kind of performance issue, because there's lots of conditions in my original script, so i made a test setup with the lowest possible number of objects involved and a script that's an extremely simplified emulation of the original script's mechanics, but the problem persists.

i post this test script below & hope somebody can tell me what the problem is, please forget the stupid stuff it actually does gamemode, it's like i said just a basic function emulation of the original script that gamemode moves and en-/disables stuff.


i'm almost clueless by now (my last straw guess would be it hat stg to do with the fact the objects are quite big, because i've had similar problems on an other occasion trying to script-enable a bus)


edit: it's definitely not the script, so i deleted it out again, pls read next post

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still don't know how to solve my fading problem, but i've done some additional testing to find out it if has anything to do with size and/or form type and/or block type

so i'd have the same activator/script-combo disable/enable both big and small statics / moveable statics / activators, directly from the onActivate block to make sure it's not a GameMode-issue.


result: all the small ones _don't_ fade, independent of form type (a stat pipe end, mst toaster, acti radio).

all the big ones _do_ always fade in, in most cases also out - but sometimes not -, also independent of form type ( a stat bus interior, mst car hulk, acti stage curtain)


i also don't see how this could in any way be a performance issue, just because i'm pretty sure fading is much more performance intense than just popping in, or not?


so PLEASE anyone, what the HELL is this?


edit: just even tried, in some desperate attempt, to manually add a pop-in-flag in fnv-edit, didn't change anything of course (and why should it, since there's no enabling parent)


edit2: meanwhile i've tried:

x) script-enabling a marker instead of the object & tying the object to it as enabling child (with pop in checked of course). still fades.

x) using a refname instead of GetLinkedRef (several versions) - still fades.


so whatever i do, i can't seem to enable any bloody big object without having it fade,

i've spent months of work on five mods, of which 4 are absolutely dependent on this and the fifth wouldn't make much sense because it pieces together with the others, so if i can't find a solution to this, all of them and almost half a year of investing about every spare minute in them would be completely down the drain 8o(( (yeah sure, i encountered that issue in much earlier stages of course and shouldn't have always put it up for later on the list), so pleeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaase help, any idea'd be welcome



edit3: tried to find anything in nifscope meanwhile, comparing the dlc04lighthousebulboff.nif (that works and doesn't fade like it should) and the nv_gamorrah\nvgomorrahstagecurtain01.nif (the one i actually want to use but doesn't work), but i could hardly find any significant differences (and the ones i found didn't change anything when messing around with them).

my size-theory seems to be bulls*** to, as well for size in game world (tried scaling working objects huge and non-working ones tiny, no effect) as for triangle count (the working bulb has about 3 times more than the non-working curtain)

so i'm definitely cluelessly desperate now. the way it looks right now, i'll have to flush anything i've been working on the last months, which would have been some great mods - if large parts of their essential fx wouldn't have just gone bust with this now :-(((

Edited by stevie70
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ok, i didn't exactly find a solution, but a workaround.

instead of disabling/enabling, i SetScale to 0 and back, for whatever reason, the same objects reappear without fading this way, no matter of size.


still, obviously, for objects above a certain size (or a certain whatever) fading can't be disabled for "enable" (most of the times works for "disable" though), and i'd still like to know why, and if and what can be done about this, so if anybody got any info or theory about this, pls let me hear.

Edited by stevie70
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