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wunderwaffe DG-2


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i dont play COD so i dont know much about this gun


but i like wunderwaffe's design


look like unique version laser musket




i dont know how this weapon work


i just imagine it shoot lightning like tesla gun



sorry for my bad english

Edited by chldndqls11
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The Wunderwaffe-DG2, also known as the Wonder weapon Die-Glocke 2, is a Nazi-made gun made by Dr. Edward Richtofen in hopes of mass production to win the second world war. The Wunderwaffe was made under the mythical powers of 115, A.K.A Divinium, allowing the gun to react like lightning but with special features. The gun can load up to 3 tesla powered tubes with each bulb capable of delivering 200,000 amperes out of the gun. The Wunderwaffe is known to deal a 1 hit kill to ghouls (zombies in the COD franchise), and can chain react when 10 enemies are 5 meters close to the source (which would be the first shocked enemy). The reload for the gun will require the main power of the gun to be shut off (from the big red switch shown on the gun) , where the tubes can be released and reloaded back into their slots. Once the tubes are in, the gun can be cocked to reset the chamber for the main gun, and once ready, the power can be turned on once again. The interesting thing of the Wunderwaffe is that the 115 used into this gun seems to have given the gun a conscious of its own. When all 10 enemies die from the gun, it will reply with zapping sounds as if it is happy.

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