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help for my character

Planty C

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i have created an Argonian Assassin, that is also "Gray-Fox", "Madgod" (aka Sheogorath), "Grand Champion" of the arena.

What could be another place to do jobs and contracts?

I have done:

Thieves Guild

Dark Brotherhood / Black Hand


Lord Of Dementia (Shivering Isles)

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If you mean exclusively as a bad guy I think that is it. Several of the Daedric quests are quite evil though if you haven't done them. There are 15 in total. You can also play the main quest AFAIK.


If you don't mind doing the pilgrimage of the nine to reset your infamy stats to 0 you can do the other two guilds. In the Fighters Guild you end up killing a lot of 'innocent' civilians which might appeal to you.

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There's not much for characters trying to stay on the "fun" side of the law. Once you take command of the Thieves' Guild it's pretty much over and as Listener you're promoted to handing out assassin jobs rather than doing them yourself. I have seen mods that try to expand on on being "less than a model citizen." Maybe you should check out a couple and see if you find anything worth your time.
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