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How do i....


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How do i make a door say my player home's door "Requires Key" and then make a key to open it?


How do i make a dead body like "Dead Wastelander" and place the key on him along with armour and weapons?


How do i make a note and put it next to the wastlelander?


How do i make an NPC say,


Him-Hey, whats up

Me- 1.Anything interesting happening to you?

2.Whats been happening in goodsprings?

3. Bye

Him-(answer 1 and 2) Oh i saw a man getting killed by Powder Gangers!


Then it activates a quest




Lastly, how do i make a quest pop up once ive talked to the guy saying something like "Find the wastelanders key"?


Sorry for the long help post.

Edited by fallout3k
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1. First, you need to create a key. You can use any vanilla key and just create a new Base ID for it (Remember to click Yes to form ID). Once that's done, you double click on the door in the render window and on the little data window that appears, scroll across to Lock. Put a tick in the box next to 'Locked' then in the scroll box, click on 'Requires Key'. In the Key scroll menu, scroll down and click on the key you made.


2. To make a dead body, you need to duplicate an existing NPC and then give that new NPC a new Base ID. You then need to set that NPCs health to 0. To add items to that NPC, click on the > arrow in the window until you find a tab labelled 'Inventory'. Right click in the box of items and click 'New', then find the items you want to add.


I can't help you with the rest I'm afraid.

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1. First, you need to create a key. You can use any vanilla key and just create a new Base ID for it (Remember to click Yes to form ID). Once that's done, you double click on the door in the render window and on the little data window that appears, scroll across to Lock. Put a tick in the box next to 'Locked' then in the scroll box, click on 'Requires Key'. In the Key scroll menu, scroll down and click on the key you made.


2. To make a dead body, you need to duplicate an existing NPC and then give that new NPC a new Base ID. You then need to set that NPCs health to 0. To add items to that NPC, click on the > arrow in the window until you find a tab labelled 'Inventory'. Right click in the box of items and click 'New', then find the items you want to add.


I can't help you with the rest I'm afraid.





Now if someone else could answer the other questions?

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These are good beginner questions. The answers can be found in many places. Probably, not many people on this forum will spoon-feed all the answers. You may want to start at the geck main page and go through the tutorial. Or, if you prefer video, search "geck tutorial fnv" at youtube. Then, you may want to open geck on the base game with no mods; use "edit->find text" to search for some specific object which already exists in the game; and see how it works.
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You may want to check this link for the dialogue: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Quest_and_Dialogue_Tutorial


I find it fairly complicated overall (in the beginning) to try and explain... I don't fully understand it myself but have no problem creating dialogue through Quests but it may not be the best way to do so (but might not matter either).

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