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Exnem Body Builder Mod


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The biggest possible problem I can see with this is that clothes made for or altered to fit Exnem's might not look right. As clothes which show skin have it integrated into the mesh, using a different body mesh from the clothes would lead to oddities, in particular changes in shape and possibly seams.


That said, you might want to keep an eye on Bodyshapes:


The aim of this project is to provide a mechanism and media that will allow a player character or NPC to have different body shapes and clothing/armour that seems to fit with that character. The body shapes can be based on a specific attribute (e.g. strength), race, gender or something else (e.g. armour health).

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This would be a great start! But I think I downloaded the mod and all it did was give the girls a giant butt and breasts, there really wasn't that much in the muscle department. But if that's a different mod because the arms look deceptively strong, then I have to wonder where the files are so I can take a crack at making some skins for it.
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I would know, but there is quite a difference with male muscularity and female muscularity. Females have the more slender look even though they can have big arms and big legs, using the male body will make them look too masculine which wouldn't be very accurate. So, probably it can be done to add breasts on the male model but since I don't know anything about 3d modeling, and I can't get the Maya plugin to work not really sure what I can do, hence why I would do the texturing and someone else does the modeling.
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