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OBMM crash at launch after uninstalling Nehrim


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Oblivon Mod Manager worked fine before I installed Nehrim. Nehrim and I didn't agree so I whacked Nehrim. Tried to launch OBMM and OBMM now crashes right after I double click the icon for it. I've tried reinstalling OBMM several times and have gone so far as to remove all registry entries for it as well. I've tried in Admin Mode and Compatibility Mode and it still fails to launch. I can launch from OBSE and the regular game launcher but not OBMM.


Can someone PLEASE help a gamer out?

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It's possible that you removed a file you shouldn't have as Nehrim does use some Oblivion assets.


Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the WIKI section of the Nexus



It allows you to preserve any saves and mods, or remove them completely - your choice.

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Well it didn't work. I followed your instructions and they were very well written, thanks. I'm using the retail version, not Steam if that helps any. I don't necessarily need OBMM unless I want to add something down the road. I may just need to educate myself wtih BAIN now, dunno. Not sure how to adjust load order or archive invalidate with Wrye but I know how to make and use a bashed patch. Everything is perfect except for OBMM.


I know Nehrim makes a copy of the Oblivion folder for it's use so I am unsure why the original is causing me problems. It's just OBMM that is crashing, the rest of the game runs perfectly. I can launch from OBSE or Oblivion Launcher just fine and play fine but OBMM refuses to start, crashes as soon as I click on it.


Further suggestions, anyone? It all started after I tried and failed to install Nehrim. I got it all installed fine but Nehrim would also refuse to load and crashed as soon as I clicked the icon. Since then, OBMM refuses to work for me.

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Try reinstalling OBMM. I went from Oblivion to Nehrim and back to Oblivion about six months ago with no problems.


Did you reinstall OBSE? Starting the game through OBMM, it looks for OBSE, and if it is there it launches OBSE and not Oblivion. Then the OBSE launches Oblivion by starting Oblivion.exe


If the OBSE is there, it may be redirecting the launch of Oblivion to Nehrim - which also uses a different Oblivion.exe to start is no longer there.


The OBMM you use should be the one in the Oblivion folder and not the one in the Nehrim folder. Make sure it is loading the proper OBMM. Also, I don't think OBSE is used by Nehrim, so it will not be in the Nehrim folder.

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I've reinstalled OBMM 5 times to no avail. OBSE works fine. Nehrim is no longer in my system. OBSE launches the game and all is well as it should be but OBMM will not work, crashes immediately after I click the icon for it. I have no Nehrim anywhere anymore and have taken steps to ensure it's gone after uninstalling. It's quite frustrating. Oblivion works fine from either it's own launcher and from the OBSE launcher but I need OBMM to do my mod shuffle and I like OMODS. The only thing that is wrong is OBMM will not launch itself no matter what.
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I've reinstalled OBMM 5 times to no avail. OBSE works fine. Nehrim is no longer in my system. OBSE launches the game and all is well as it should be but OBMM will not work, crashes immediately after I click the icon for it. I have no Nehrim anywhere anymore and have taken steps to ensure it's gone after uninstalling. It's quite frustrating. Oblivion works fine from either it's own launcher and from the OBSE launcher but I need OBMM to do my mod shuffle and I like OMODS. The only thing that is wrong is OBMM will not launch itself no matter what.


when you re-istall OBMM is it a clean install or are there files left over? I suggest you backup your omod folder then delete everything in the OBMM folder. Reinstall and see it OBMM will load. If it will load, then one of your omod is causing the loading fail.

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I've done Ben's clean install while preserving saved games and mods.


OBSE runs fine and finds Oblivion.


Nehrim isn't on my system anymore. Nothing is pointing to Nehrim, it's gone.


I've mucked with Admin/Compatability Modes to no avail.


UAC is disabled


Everything about Oblivion points to Oblivion and Oblivion runs fine, just no OBMM, which points to Oblivion as per the auto installer.

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I just tried installing it while having a fresh install .ini and while retaining my saves. Still OBMM crashes on clicking it. Can still play through OBSE just fine though.


I seriously don't want to waste the hours it'd take to reinstall all the mods. Looking for a hail Mary here guys.



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