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Independent Hoover Dam militia?


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Okay if you follow the Yes Man ending then you basically blind side everybody and take over. You raise a secret army of securitrons that no one knows about and use it to drive the NCR and Legion out. I love the idea of a secret army rising up out of nowhere and winning. Why not add more factions to this secret army?


Brotherhood of Steel - can make peace between them and NCR, but I don't think they will appear at the Dam in an Indepedent ending. It would be nice to have them join you and turn on the NCR and Legion. Their unaccounted reappearance on your side would shock them.


Great Khans - you can just convince them not to help the Legion now. Why not convince them to turn on the Legion and be secretly loyal to you?


Boomers - they basically already are loyal to you.


Three Families - get them to join your side and maintain order on the Strip during the battle. They could also take over the NCR embassy.


Desert Rangers - build on Hanlon's betrayal storyline and actually have him split the Desert Rangers from the NCR during the battle. You would have NCR soldiers firing on NCR soldiers. Would be a great way to surpise the NCR.


Settlements - it would be good to recruit people from each town into a force that will fight the Legion at the Dam. You'd have to convince people like Sunny Smiles, Trudy, etc. Kind of like when the Powder Gangers attacked. This secret militia would also be a nasty surprise for the NCR and Legion.


You'd basically raise an entire Independent army without the knowledge of NCR and Legion, while pretending to maintain loyalty to them before the double cross.


You could also use Contreras in Fort Mccaran to covertly arm and supply your militia force with NCR weapons and tech.

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It Is possible to get the Khans to do a suicide attack onhoover Dam against bothe factions. The Brotherhood on the toher hand is an issue that many have been bothered by for a looong time.
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