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Hikari mod,


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The maker of Hikari follwer, preset, has started to charge money to down load, i think to have withdraw this mod from Nexus then ask players to pay for the mod is a bad move, anyone with the Mod Hikari follwer or presetmay feel justfied by upload this mod to Nexus, i do NOT advocate breaking any laws by doing an upload of this mod, but feel free to implement the law in a way as not to break it.



Thank you.



And a big thank you to all the moders out there placing there mods for free on Nexus.

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If he is doing this on some other site we cannot do anything. However if he is using Nexus to link people here to a site where he charges he will be banned. It cannot be both on Nexus and not free. However someone else uploading his mod is also braking a Nexus rule as well and WILL be banned for mod theft.

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