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Question for the modding gods here


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No. Psychology has proven that most phobias can't be cured with exposure. It just makes people panic and cry.


Regular fears can be cured this way, but not true phobias. Try shutting a claustrophobic person in a tiny box and see what happens. (hint; they won't get over their fear)

I don't know where you heard that but just know, everything else they also said about phycology is probably wrong too...


http://www.hindawi.com/journals/np/2007/010241/abs/ <-- very cool study btw


most importantly

'Exposure and flooding differ in that flooding starts at the most extreme item in a fear hierarchy, while exposure does not.'


Also putting a person alone in any sort of box (especially if its dark) instinctively breaks them down over time.. so yes shoving a claustrophobic in a tiny box will hurt far far more than help... but more importantly that's not exposure that's more on the lines of torture, lol


back on point, exposure works, especially if there is strong moral support around, and especially when its something simple like spiders

but ehh do whatever you want, avoidance works well enough especially when its something that rarely comes up like this

Edited by Alistat
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If the girlfriend of the topic creator is reading this, I have a message to give you.


For what it's worth, I personally find the sounds that spiders make in most games to be among one of the most annoying sound related issues that the games have, and I'd love it if this game was playable without any insect or insect-like enemies.


I myself have serious issues with anything the size of a bug that I recognize as poisonous, whether it be arachnid or otherwise, and will pretty much run away screaming for help if I ever find a big group of any of them.


Just want you to know, you're not alone.

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