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Blocky smoke textures when texture quality is below High


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Okay, so whenever I put skyrim textures below high texture settings, on medium or low, the sky turns all colors of the rainbow and gets all blocky, and all smoke and cloud textures are blocky as well. On high settings, everything works fine, there's no texture errors, it only happens when texture quality in the launcher is set to medium or low. I've tried verify integrity of game cache, re-installing skyrim, deleting the skyrimprefs.ini and skyrim.ini files along with the low and medium ini files and then verify integrity of game cache, and I have even deleted all mods, every single one. With all of the mods off and using only the vanilla game, the same thing happened. I have also tried with and without an enb. After deleting all the mods, I proceeded to reinstall all of them and tried again. It didn't work still. I'm totally lost. I went as far as to completely update my drivers, uninstall and reinstall the drivers, and even tried overclocking just on a whim. Of course none of it worked. I have a Geforce gtx 850m graphics core, i7 6th gen core processor, and currently have 8GB of ram, running on windows 10. Also i'm on a laptop as well, if that's anything that should be considered. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help, this problem is driving me up the wall. If I have the texture quality on medium I can play skyrim fine but on high it just stutters waaaaay to much to even be playable, and rarely goes past 30fps, usually sticking in the 18-22 fps region.

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