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Hokuto no Ken / Fist of the North Star mod


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I know One-Punch Man has gotten a lot of love, but really, Hokuto Shinken would be awesome! Let's say it were an invisible fist weapon and you "mod" it using manuals or scrolls collected throughout the wasteland, allowing for special effects and whatnot -- and not having to mess with perks at all. With the melee bash and grenade hotkeys added, it could get REALLY in depth. But something as simple as an ultra-fast fist weapon would be great too.




Hokuto Hyakuretsu Ken

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A small update: I have tried increasing attack speed (using raverbane's Fists of Iron mod, as well as attempting to modify other values) in the Creation Kit, but it seems like the actual weapon speed doesn't matter if you're unarmed (even though the DPS value updates fine) and you have to find a way to speed up the actual hand to hand attack animation (without effecting others). It seemed like all it would need are some quick and easy value edits but for some reason or another it's more difficult than that. Being that this would be a building block of the mod, maybe we can at least figure out how to get through this.

Edited by SantosLodge
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hello there SantosLodge, glad to hear we think that there is nees of an hokuto themed mod(or mods) in a Fallout 4 mod

i'm working on a Hokuto themed mod with new animations and further possibilities to have more hokuto(or even nanto or wathever school till my patience does not end).

i've just completed the first new animation, it was a very long path to know how, but now it works fine, and it's about the normal punch

i've made it so you can see 4 hokuto moves (2 diff. fists and 2 with 2 sets of opened fingers) in the time of 1 normal punch.

there are many to complete just to begin to be a mod and publish it, and animations are quite doubled cause of 1st and 3rd view, but IT WILL GIVE A NEW FALLOUT 4 VIEW TO HOKUTO FANS.

NEW IDEAS ARE WELCOME, MSG ME or write in this thread. i'd be glad to create a more better MOD. so please write me any that you have, you or whoever is reading this and want to contribuite in this MOD!!!


i don't think that is possibile to create new perk lists, i don't know at the moment, but it will work good with weapons and armors.

now i'm still at the begin so using my new anim instead of existing ones, thene i'll create a weapon invisible when you fight or a weareable scripted, just like thebandage ken had in the manga and first serie.

the weapon will be upgradeable with new moves, and then yet to put to work... i have a list i'd like to add and wish to find is possible like animation, so hokuto moves with projectile, possibility to change hokuto "base" style with other hokuto styles about HNK characters and even from other schools with new animations, new presets to fullfill the damage database and new proj. effects and in this.

if this mod get some downloads i could add even new animations for some opponents like more hokuto or full in nanto style flesh strips,

and also 1-or more quests to get new armors like the dresses in the anime/manga, so a character may become stronger with a style if he complete a quest and then have a new set of armor that give bonus only for that combat style.


anyway by the time i complete it, if you look in Fallout 4 nexus there's a mod that make your fists fasters without affecting weapons and also have new moves for directions, i'd look at it if where in new, just to wait my new


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  • 3 years later...

I cant believe like 4 years later and this is still the first result when you look up a FO4 Fist of the North Star mod, dear god, how very disappointing.


Second result: "[Request] Fist of the North Star"


Third result: "Seriously, where is the Fist of the North Star mod?"


4 years.





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