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Unnecessary Violence II: Taking Action problems


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I've been trying to get UVII working for a day or so, and after much fruitless fiddling I have still made no progress. The g mod changes the animations form standard, but I get no menu prompts, no chargable spells, no action buttons, nothing. It appears to be installed correctly, I'm using OBSE 20, NifSE, and Oblivion is most recent version as far as I can discern. In fact, I just did a clean install to get everything clean and shiny to try this mod out. Where should I go from now?
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Did you install it to the default location (C:\Program Files\) on a Vista/7 machine? If so, Windows UAC is most likely the cause, and you need to do a clean reinstall to a directory not protected by UAC (C:\Games\ for example) following Bben's Guide.
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Did you install it to the default location (C:\Program Files\) on a Vista/7 machine? If so, Windows UAC is most likely the cause, and you need to do a clean reinstall to a directory not protected by UAC (C:\Games\ for example) following Bben's Guide.


UAC isn't a problem, nor was it ever an issue for me.

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Did you install it to the default location (C:\Program Files\) on a Vista/7 machine? If so, Windows UAC is most likely the cause, and you need to do a clean reinstall to a directory not protected by UAC (C:\Games\ for example) following Bben's Guide.


UAC isn't a problem, nor was it ever an issue for me.




The readme located under the \Oblivion\ directory should have you version written in the header. Also, do you have SI, and is it installed? I'm not sure if UVII requires it or not.


Edit: It doesn't claim to require SI. However, not getting any menus whatsoever makes me wonder if you're launching the game through obse_loader.exe instead of the default launcher. If so, then this leads me back to UAC...

Edited by MShoap13
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Did you install it to the default location (C:\Program Files\) on a Vista/7 machine? If so, Windows UAC is most likely the cause, and you need to do a clean reinstall to a directory not protected by UAC (C:\Games\ for example) following Bben's Guide.


UAC isn't a problem, nor was it ever an issue for me.




The readme located under the \Oblivion\ directory should have you version written in the header. Also, do you have SI, and is it installed? I'm not sure if UVII requires it or not.


Edit: It doesn't claim to require SI. However, not getting any menus whatsoever makes me wonder if you're launching the game through obse_loader.exe instead of the default launcher. If so, then this leads me back to UAC...


I run GOTY, I'm up to date, and UAC is disabled. I run through Oblivion Mod Manager or Wrye Bash, either way it shows the obse loader.

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