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grappling hooks


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Note: I am making this request in the mod request boards for both fallout 3 and new vegas, both to better the odds of this mod being made, and with hope that the mod can be made compatable with both games, or have a version for each game.


The thieves arsenal mod (oblivion) has vine arrows, when you shoot one at a ledge it extends a vine, or rope, that you can climb up and down.

I would love to see something like this in fallout, as a grappling hook. Ether a thrown weapon that appears hook like and extends a rope off of a ledge, using the same mechanics as in the oblivion mod, or as a steam projected launcher using the rock-it launchers mesh/texture.

If both models are made and used then I imagin the hand thrown hook would be lighter then the gun unit, but the gun would have better range and accuracy.

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Note: I am making this request in the mod request boards for both fallout 3 and new vegas, both to better the odds of this mod being made, and with hope that the mod can be made compatable with both games, or have a version for each game.


The thieves arsenal mod (oblivion) has vine arrows, when you shoot one at a ledge it extends a vine, or rope, that you can climb up and down.

I would love to see something like this in fallout, as a grappling hook. Ether a thrown weapon that appears hook like and extends a rope off of a ledge, using the same mechanics as in the oblivion mod, or as a steam projected launcher using the rock-it launchers mesh/texture.

If both models are made and used then I imagin the hand thrown hook would be lighter then the gun unit, but the gun would have better range and accuracy.



I suppose this is an interesting idea, though I can't imagine what you would really need it for. I only played about halfway into Fallout 3, but the whole time I didn't really find any place what you would need a grappling hook to get on top of. Maybe a couple places it might have ben slightly easier to get to,

Still, it's a cool idea. Grappling hooks are an essential part of any adventure from any era.

Personally, I think something like fast-line would be more appropriate for the time. Of course, I'm not sure you can go UP on a fast-line.

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