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Best palythrough ever


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@Culuf, sorry about that! Hey, if you want Helmskr's ranting in your game, go for it. I just wanted to share something that made my playthrough WAY more enjoyable for me. BTW, I don't hate Helmskr, I'm just not a fan of the noise the game developer's made him spout all the time. And you guys aren't fooling anyone. If you ran across a character like this IRL you would go out of your way to avoid him/her. ;)

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I don't know why people hate on Heimskr. If he was gone, it'd be far too quiet in Whiterun.


Some people like quiet. Especially when the alternative to quiet is listening to some fanatic screaming nonsense.


Also, uh, people like Heimskr are really not cute irl at all. I don't know if you've ever tried to walk home from class with some psycho shouting at you about how you're a sinner and you're going to burn in hell if you don't do what they say, but it's actually pretty lame.


yeah... sometimes you just have to remember that it's just a game ;)


In that train of thought, I find him far FAR less annoying than... oh let's say every other NPC who repeatedly accosts you with the same exact line every time you run through a city. But you know what they say about opinions.

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Ive been looking for a mod (cant find it yet) that lets you play soccer.

I want to decapitate Heimskr, Nazeem, and Braith, and use their heads for soccer balls.

I figure to kick nazeem's head clear to the cloud district, put braiths head on a paddle with string like that old rubber ball and paddle game, and I figured I'd just make Heimskr's day by turning his head into the ashtray for all the Dragonpriests I kill.




But actually getting him locked up? Thats a pretty cool trick too. Think its a glitch?

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