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Can't talk to Courier's Brain

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The title nicely sums up the problem that I'm having. After talking with Mobius and not killing him, I walk up to the Courier's Brain to talk. The pod opens and the brain comes out, but I am unable to initiate any dialogue with the brain. I know it is a script-related problem, and I tried using console commands to allow me to talk to the brain, but nothing works. The stupid console doesn't even recognize any of the quest names, even when I am clearly copying the name from the GECK. :wallbash: The quest that I think is the culprit is NVDLC03BrainTankOpenTimer, where the line "Set NVDLC03DialoguePlayerBrain.bAllowDialogue to 1" is clearly not working as intended. I type it into the console and it still does not work. I really need to solve this in order to progress in OWB, so any help is appreciated. Also, I am using NVSE v2 beta 12.


Here's the load order if it helps:








Project Nevada - Core.esm

Project Nevada - Equipment.esm




UHNV-Dead Money.esp

UHNV-Honest Hearts.esp


UHNV-Lonesome Road.esp

Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp

Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp

Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp

Alternative Console Access.esp










Dead Money - No Collar Explosion and No Poison Cloud.esp


Project Nevada - WMX.esp













No Ash and Goo.esp

The Weapon Mod Menu.esp


Total active plugins: 48

Total plugins: 48

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I'm having the exact same problem, but haven't got a clue how to solve or get around it..


I tried skipping the entire stage, but this ends up in the think-tank turning hostile to me. Not really the way I wanted to solve the matter..



Isn't there some console command to just start a conversation or something? Cause I'm not that good with the GECK. :sad:

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I'm having the exact same problem, but haven't got a clue how to solve or get around it..


I tried skipping the entire stage, but this ends up in the think-tank turning hostile to me. Not really the way I wanted to solve the matter..



Isn't there some console command to just start a conversation or something? Cause I'm not that good with the GECK. :sad:


The script line "Set NVDLC03DialoguePlayerBrain.bAllowDialogue to 1" is what allows the player to talk with the brain. But typing that doesn't work in the console for a number of reasons, which is irrelevant. If you know how to use the GECK, then you can create a fix by removing the quest stage requirement in the player brain's base NPC script. It is simply a matter of deleting a line or two and then saving. I don't remember what the line was, but even a novice scripter can find the line(s) and make an appropriate edit. If you don't know how to script now, you better start learning because the knowledge WILL save you a lot of headaches. I've also attached a plugin that should fix the problem (I deleted my original one). If it doesn't work, let me know. Otherwise, use it, talk to the brain, save, and then delete it if you wish.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Found the f***ing problem, there seems to be some kind fo glitch/bug i dont know, the problem was that i had the big brained perk, you have to remove it to be hable to talk to your brain, i downloaded the cheat terminal from here, nexusmods (http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/45638) to delete the damn perk, i dont know how i got it so if anybody got this problem try deleting the big brained perk.



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  • 2 years later...
  • 3 years later...


I'm having the exact same problem, but haven't got a clue how to solve or get around it..


I tried skipping the entire stage, but this ends up in the think-tank turning hostile to me. Not really the way I wanted to solve the matter..



Isn't there some console command to just start a conversation or something? Cause I'm not that good with the GECK. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sad.gif

The script line "Set NVDLC03DialoguePlayerBrain.bAllowDialogue to 1" is what allows the player to talk with the brain. But typing that doesn't work in the console for a number of reasons, which is irrelevant. If you know how to use the GECK, then you can create a fix by removing the quest stage requirement in the player brain's base NPC script. It is simply a matter of deleting a line or two and then saving. I don't remember what the line was, but even a novice scripter can find the line(s) and make an appropriate edit. If you don't know how to script now, you better start learning because the knowledge WILL save you a lot of headaches. I've also attached a plugin that should fix the problem (I deleted my original one). If it doesn't work, let me know. Otherwise, use it, talk to the brain, save, and then delete it if you wish.attachicon.gif braintankfix.zip


hello i found this topic i got same problem the brain no want to talk so i going try your fix hope it help me!!

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