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topic problem


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HEEEEELLLLLPPPP I'm so upset at this point. Some how in weeding an unneeded master file off my mod the damned CS reattributed all my custom GREETING topics from the generic quest (and some of my other custom quests) to be part of the damned SQ08 quest (the Shadowbannish wine quest) and dumped them all in the SQ08Wine topic for some stupid reason. Now I'm trying to figure out how to copy the dialog from my older versions over to the current version that got messed up so I can delete any changes made to the SQ08 topic from the main game file. any help would be appreciated, this jumped out and bit me in the ass when I was just trying to finish the last part of my mod before releasing the final version :(
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Hi, friend,


The way it should work is to load both in TesCS and make your new one the active file. Now you could rename the files of the old version so that they should be saved with their new name in the new version.


Second possibility is to use C and V bottoms to copy and paste the scripts.


Or you could use the export dialog/import dialog function in TesCS to export from the old and import function import to the new game.


Hope it will help :thumbsup:



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I actually tried the export/import function for dialog and it doesn't seem to actually do anything, which is weird...


I've taken the long route and used TES4Edit and manually weeded out the bad topics and used the CS to move the greetings to my main quest handler which is always running but now I run into the problem that all NPC's (even vanilla ones) who rely on the random generic greetings now have the "I HAVE NO GREETING" error. I put my main quest with my custom NPC's grettings as a higher priority (6) than the generic quest (5) and left all the generic greetings under the "generic" quest (I removed all reference to the "generic" quest from my mod, so it's functioning like vanilla) but the default greeting should still be replied on and it isn't what else should I be checking?

Edited by icecreamassassin
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