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Simple DRM idea, let's talk about it


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I have a handful of minor mods for Skyrim. I would not like it if someone else posted them as their own. I can't imagine what you folks with really complex or otherwise high-quality mods must feel likje to see your work stolen.


I hope you find some way to protect your work. However it occurs to me if someone wants to steal a mod can't they just remove what ever detection or poison-pill you add by putting it through the CK? Or is the thought that most of the people stealing mods can't figure out CK enough to remove it? It seems to me that getting a mod on B.net is not as simple as uploading it right? The person has to run it through CK to get it packed up and the .dds files in the correct format. Anyone that can do that much likely can remove or satisfy most of the stuff added to prevent it from running.


If you can't protect the mod maybe you could name every FormID created in the mod with your Nexus name as a prefix. Showing ownership to some degree if Beth ever does review mods for theft. Undoing a complex mod's item/object/ref naming is not a simple thing and likely would be tedious for the thief or result in a broken mod.


Honestly, its the same thing you'd have to do as full fledged software developers if you're interested in the DRM approach:


DRM needs to be integrated/designed to the point that it becomes such a task to remove/bypass it that no one can bothered, as that's the only true way to stop people from actually getting around DRM. Make it too easy, and they will remove/bypass it. The simplest way to go about doing so would be to integrate a DRM check into as many places as you possibly can. You also need to make sure that each individual check doesn't rely on a single reference point so as they can't just simply edit the original function that's called from everywhere to null out all the checks.


Rule of thumb: The amount of effort you put into your DRM is the same amount of effort required to remove it. Well, almost. If we had to actually disassemble mods like (most) full fledged software, the process requires some more effort and much more of a skill set (Like understanding ASM).

Edited by ChampionHunter
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