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Not sure how this is done,


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Or even if I'm in the right place, but I guess I'll just give this a shot. ...Um, I know nothing about modding or how difficult it is, but I was wondering if it was possible to make a follower mod based off of one of my old Skyrim characters if I were to give out details. Although, like the title mentions, I'm not really sure how this works. I'd just, you know, like to play with this character as a follower and maybe even a potential marriageable partner instead of a main character. If this is possible, or if anyone is interested, maybe you could let me know, and I can give out details and even screenshots?

Also, I apologize for sounding so unsure of myself. I'm a little nervous. First request and all that. :smile:

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If by "old character" you mean the save files are long gone, then it needs to be recreated manually. But if you still have the save files, Familiar Faces might help you. Look it up.

I'm afraid the save is long gone, but I did check out that "familiar faces", and I must say, I was greatly impressed with it! So, thank you for the suggestion!

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