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BS/OFS Weight Painting | Please Help

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Ok, here's the situation. I have a custom dog mesh that I want to put into Fallout 4. I've already altered the mesh, I use Blender, and I've already gone through the process of converting it back to a .nif. My problem now is that when I put the mesh in game it shows up just fine but the animations don't transfer to the body mesh but they do transfer to the Eyes, Body and Head caps. After much researching I've figured out that I can use Body Slide/Outfit Studio to weight paint the bones, I had to start over and make sure my mesh had the right bone structure as BS/OFS was attaching the Female Body bone data. So now my mesh has all the data it needs in order to be put in the game. My question is, in BS/OFS there is a "Copy Selected Weights/Transfer Selected Weights" option and I was wondering if there is a way to just copy all the weight painting from the RaiderDog.nif, which is the original mesh that I altered, and transfer that data over to my mesh or do I really have to do it one vertex at a time?

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