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Time to prepare?


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With the almost totally confirmed Skyrim remaster coming out for consoles soon what effect will it have here on the Nexus? Will your Skyrim mods start getting stolen and uploaded to Bethesda.net too like they are currently in FO4?

Is there anything the Nexus community should do to prepare and keep things here from being affected in any way? Considering Bethesda only cares about Bethesda.net and is using you and your hard work for their own gains.

I worry because mod authors are beginning to hide their mods for FO4 due to all the console peasant theft going on.

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Short and quick answers in order: Little. Probably. Not much.


Longer answers: Nexus has nothing to do with console modding and will be here for modders to upload their creations, same as usual. People steal, especially if they feel they're entitled to something and it's easy to get at but hasn't been made available to them in whatever time frame they think it should have been (before you ask I'm not condoning their actions merely answering the question). There isn't much modders can do to safeguard their mods from being stolen before the fact, only after I'm afraid, some type of DRM might help but would probably only make thieving that much more justified to the thieves mindset (not that they need it, they're already going to steal it because they want it and think it should be theirs).

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