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When You aren't adventuring...


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This is something I'm pretty interested in .. there is little info on what you can really do outside of quests and what the point to it is .. clearly you could hunt animals,mine and make and sell armor .. that sounds like fun .. but what about making friends and having them help you with these jobs? .. or getting drunk in a tavern with your friends? .. I think the game will have some amasing mods for whatever is not included :thumbsup: Edited by jedimembrain
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Searching for a suitable bride and a suitable place to live in with. (I hope it'll be possible to move your wife to a city/place of your choice.)

Drinking and brawling in taverns for no reason.

Raising undead and sending them to harass unsuspecting villagers and guards. (If it'll be possible without raising bounty.)


And I'm certain there'll be many more opportunities for quality time with various mods.

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