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Need help from experienced modders with Linked References / Activators


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OK first, I am not an inexperienced modder, but I have a hard time with complex things like this. So I implore anyone who knows this sort of thing to not brush me off. I'm really trying to create something wonderful to contribute, but I can't do it on my own.


Currently I am stuck with something in my mod which should be a lot easier than it is. I'm trying to rig a simple effect to take place - basically this: The player removes a Fusion Core from a Power Generator and the Power Generator switches off, when that happens I'd also like 2 light objects to link to this action so that they disable when the Power Generator turns off. Should be simple. It isn't


I have tried my hand at the Fallout 3 method, using parent enabled links. And that didn't work. I tried linked referencing the lights using the setup the Power Generator uses, including the keyword that is uses in the linked reference, and that didn't work. I tried creating an xmarker, assigning it a lightbuldonoffscript, created linked references to the xmarkerheading from the 2 light objects, and then an activate parent to the Power Generator. That also didn't work. I'm just guessing basically, at how to do this. And I could be guessing for a very long time, with no success.


The lack of tutorials, and the non-intuitive nature of this CK has led me back here, where I really do need some assistance from someone who knows what I need to do to make this work.


Please help.

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There's gotta be quite a few modders who know how activators, linked references etc., work. Can anyone contact me to offer me a hand? I am at the verge of giving up on my mod because it's gonna be incredibly dull if I can't get anything to work. :(

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Rather than mess around with linked refs, I've achieved what you wanted through Papyrus. I created alternative script for the Fusion Generator (FusionGeneratorMultiSCRIPT) that takes a formlist of object references (so your two lights), and after the generator turns off, it disables the references within the formlist.


Here are the mod files: link

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Rather than mess around with linked refs, I've achieved what you wanted through Papyrus. I created alternative script for the Fusion Generator (FusionGeneratorMultiSCRIPT) that takes a formlist of object references (so your two lights), and after the generator turns off, it disables the references within the formlist.


Here are the mod files: link


Mate!! Thank you so much! Going to have a look at that right now. Really appreciate the help. :) I will probably send you a PM with some more questions, If you don't mind, Xylozi. :) thank you again.

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