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Need A Little Help With Tetrachromatic ENB .305 Configs


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I love .305 it's a huge leap up in terms of the environment for Skyrim and it's the mod that got me into modding the game in the first place. My main complaint with it though is that its darker settings, namely the ones for when you're indoors, make it VERY dark and hard to see. This is all well and good if you're inside a falmer cave or whatnot, but even being inside of your in game home or a shop, it is very, very dark. Needing a torch or the candlelight spell to see what you're doing in that situation is a bit ridiculous.

Now there is the in-game menu to change settings once you start playing but it is very technical and I am not the technical-minded sort. Is there a means of adjusting the indoor lighting so that it's brighter inside houses/buildings but not so much the caves and crypts? And if so what settings should I tweak and to what level (obviously that's a matter of preference but just looking for a starting point to go from here) to improve it.

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