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Hi everybody


I remember seeing one of these and it was fun a couple months/year back but i haven't seen it at all sadly or i cant find it no more. So i was thinking of posting a new one where we could all share our characters and there deeds up until now.


i suggest putting your character description and bio etc into a spoiler tab to save space and give a short description above it so people can read it if they would like to which im sure they will ^^



Hi my name is Yukino iv lived a rough start with no memories but just a slight memory of one night of a boy when we were about 6 with the height of us but something happened causing us to split up i thought he was dead but rumors suggest otherwise...



(picture will be incoming)

Name Yukino
Race Redgaurd
Level: 2
Class: vampire Mage



Entry 9/6 17:30
Yukino is now 18 years old there or about been living in the forest since she can remember on her own so she doesn't really know the year or her age sadly. She has a dream every night about the forest village she lived in with a wide rage of people from high elves to nords and kajite, but one night they was attacked she cant remember by who but there where strong and scary she remembers running deeper into forest away from it when she was stopped by one of them and was about to be taken away a boy jumped in nocking the figure to floor at this point Yukino started to run away looking back she says the boy been carried off back to village but Yukino to scared carried on running.

she then woke up in middle of forest deep within she has always had red hair and red eyes which everyone treats her as a outsider for which became more aparent when she stumbled upon a village as they all stared at her saying she looks like a daemon, she stumbled upon a kind person who took her in and treated her gave her shelter taught her abit of magic which she proved more potent in illusion as the days and months past the villagers started singling out the kind soul and one day when Yukino was sent out for firewood the villagers set the house on fire with the person still inside screaming for help in agony. Yukino remembering the night of the village brought upon so much stress and anger that her vampire powers awoke within her been unable to control them at a young age she for that night turned into a monster killing all the villages herself. After coming to the next morning she had no memory of what happened that night or at all for her life since birth apart from that one boy.

Yukino left to stay in forest hidden from everybody practicing her magic which safely to say she doesn't explode things anymore. Yukino been a vampire lived by drinking animal blood her favorite was a elk because it had so much but to her this was normal for everybody to do not remembering anything else.

one day she stumbled upon a leaflet while hunting she was amazed she could read the letters which spelled "Mercenary for hire Come to nightgate inn By Satoshi" with a small portrait of him as she saw the portrait her eyes widened as if she knew him at this point she set out to look for him. Ariving in nightgate inn
he wasn't there people said he set out to work in whiterun so she set out to chase, as she arrived in whiterun she spent day looking for him as it started getting dark she took her hood of a felt the hunger hitting her so she took out a rabbit as she normally would stood in middle of market by well and started drinking the blood from the rabbit,
everyone stared at her and then started slowly reliseing what she was doing but before anyone could scream or shout a man came up to her tall with strong heavy armor and a shield he picked up a rabbit and started eating it to hide what she was doing and act like they where just eating a rabbit she stopped looked at him and he just smiled and said "Hi im Satoshi a merc who are you?" she smiled the biggest smile and said "Im Yukino nice to meet you" .

and so the adventure of a merc and yukino begins to regain her memories of what happened that night not knowing satoshi is that boy and he not relising she was the girl and its that night she is trying to describe.



After spending most of day in tavern to get some sleep Yukino met up with Satoshi down stairs as she aproached him there was about 4 people sat around him, everybody in taverns had there eyes upon Yukino looking at her red hair. Yukino put her head down pulling the hood up over her hair to try and hide it as she started feeling more scared a voice shouted from the table "Hey Yukino over here" as Yukino looked up satoshi was waving her over she sat down next to him and he handed her a bottle with red liquide inside it with a note the note read "if anyone asks your drinking wine, ill get more of the animal blood for you but if i carnt get any you can drink mine" satoshi carried on talking to the 4 men as Yukino was reading and drinking the animal blood with a little blushing as she wasnt used to this kind of hospitality let alone someone who helped her.


Yukino listened in on the talking between satoshi and the men it seemed like they where requesting him to go clear out a "bandit" hideout whatever that was, satoshi accepted and stood up looking at yukino and nodding his head to the door to follow him. They left whiterun heading to a place called halted stream camp as they journeyed there satoshi explained what a bandit was and what they did and that they might lead to who ever attacked her at a young age. Yukino looking abit angry and upset at what these people did followed satoshi to the site they sneaked around back of the wooden walls finding a hole with spikes below satoshi lowered yukino inside and jumped down himself. Yukino readied her mage armor and frightening orb spell and made sure she could quickly pull her weapon out a small dagger on her ankle. They entered the site sneaking up on the first bandit unaware avoiding the traps set out Yukino used her orb to scare the bandit in the back with a bow and changed her magic to a lighting strike while satoshi pulled his sword and shield out running heavy footed and shouting at the first bandit scaring them a little another bandit came runing with a iron greatsword but satoshi was blocking them both getting a hit in here and there Yukino ran in firing lighting at the bandits and slashing them with her dagger when she saw a opening. after about 1 minutes the fight was over inside the hideout with the outside bandits not knowing what has happened.


As satoshi started checking the bandits over for any book or note he helped himself to there gold Yukino following in his footsteps did the same untill she suddenly smelt the blood of the bandits dripping out onto floor her uses went blood shot red and she couldnt resist the urge to drink there blood. Satoshi didnt say a thing he just turned away and let her do it as he didnt want to embarrase her at all. After Yukino settled down and wiped the blood from her mouth they decided to venture outside having more faith in eachothers skills and amazed they work well together they cleared the outside, as they where leaving the camp satoshi shouted "wait" as he saw a cut on yukino's arm due to her wearing cloth to move around fast seems a bandit got a hit off on her. satoshi used his healing magic on her to patch her up wich took longer due to her been a vampire but he managed it. They both decided to head back to whiterun to find more rumors of bandit camps in the area to find more clues.


after asking around they heard a rumor about a bandit in White river Watch who had apparently got a leader who has been abit for along time from another region, satoshi and Yukino jumped at the chance snatched the note and the map and set off it only took them around 30 minutes to reach the watch and they stood at the bottom getting ready to attack the camp, they studied it and found no back entrance for them to sneak in like last time so they had to be more prepared for a front attack with satoshi ahead and yukino at back they planned what they would do and how they would attack but first they needed to sleep and wait for nighttime so Yukino didn't have to wear a hood so she could see all around her. They setup a tent hidden inbertween 2 rocks so they wouldn't be seen by the bandits and went to sleep.


Yukino fell a sleep first but she started having a strange dream, it seemed like another vampire entered her dreams named "Serena" they talked and talked and Serena after hearing her story asked Yukino if she had any training by another vampire which they both knew she hadn't so Serena taught her a blood magic spell called "Vampiric Drain" and told Yukino she could only enter her dreams once a week to train and talk about there adventures. Yukino woke up suddenly and satoshi was stood outside the tent wearing all his armor he turned his head to the side to look at Yukino and said "its time".


Entry 10/6 16:27


As Yukino starts getting ready making sure she has enough magica stored up for her magic Satoshi notices a thick fog coming in over the mountain proving to be very useful for them so they could sneak up on the gaurding bandits. They both set off sneaking up the cliff utilizing how light and small Yukino is and her nightvision she sneaked up behind the first bandit and slit his throat as the other guard turned to see what happened a small dagger came flying towards him hitting him inbertween his eyes. The first obstacle was over with but now the real fight began, Yukino set up her mage armor and quickly setup her blood magic as satoshi was getting himself pumped him for taking all the hits making sure his armor is fastened properly and that his sword is nice a sharp. They marched in to the hideout with satoshi upfront and yukino closely behind as they sneaked in they came across the first bandit. As they sneaked up the bandit said "Eh? whos there? oh that you rodulf?" quickly realizing that he is a blind man he answered yes ulfr then proceeded to tell them that there boss is wanting a word with him satoshi replied "thank you" and nodded yukino to move on.


Both of them carried on moving but Yukino asked satoshi why he left the bandit alive? so satoshi explained that the man was blind and thought it be best for them to leave him and inform the guards to go arrest him Yukino agreeing nodded acting like she knew what he meant by "blind", they both moved forward sneaking up the hideout and came across a first room consisting of 4 bandits 2 archers 2 melee, as they sneaked in closer satoshi stepped on a twig alerting the bandits they turned quickly but started laughing and one shouted out "its fine there is only one lets make quick work of him" one of them started running towards satoshi and as he got close enough Yukino ran up satoshi's back jumping over him and knocking the bandit to the floor and biting him sucking his blood dry, the other 3 bandits looked shocked and so did satoshi not knowing she was going to do that but satoshi made the first move charging in and the archers while yukino used blood magic on the last melee trying to catch satoshi both of them made quick work of the last 3 bandits.


Moving to the next room they made quick work of the bandits there also to them find a exit to the hideout seeing where the guy they was looking for was stood. Yukino again charged in with a look of intense anger on her face satoshi charging after her the 3 of them exchanging blows one after other but the of them been to much for the bandit leader fell to his knees Yukino decided to go for the kill strike forgetting why they came but satoshi managed to barge her out of way to stop her from doing so. Satoshi questioned the man and he told them that he hadn't been involved in that raid but he might know someone who was and told them that they should head up to Bleak Falls Barrow where a dangerous bandit was setting up camp to raid the barrow satoshi giving no mercy then slashed the bandits head off. Yukino got up and thanked satoshi for stopping her and they both headed on out of the hideout.


Exiting the hideout they found a guard and informed him of the bandit in the hideout and the guard asked them both for help to clear out a bandit camp in Valetheim tower of course they both accepted and head on down to investigate. As they went around the corner of the bottom of cliff there was the tower it looked like there was about 5 bandits there but as they where scouting a bandit returning spotted them and shouted out "attackers" as the 2 readied themselves for battle about 20 bandits came charging at them as they approached satoshi swung his shield bashing most of them to the ground allowing him to take 1 or 2 out before the rest started to get back up. As satoshi was fending them off Yukino was using her mage armor and setting the blood magic up as she nearly finished a arrow came flying from the top of the tower and hit her in the arm she pulled it out with blood gushing out she quickly wrapped a piece of her mage outfit around it and started backing up satoshi running around inbertween the bandits slashing there arms and legs while using blood magic on some of them.


After finishing them off they headed into the tower and killed the archers off they both got to top of the tower and collapsed in exhaustion from the two battles. Yukino noticed a journal on the table and started reading it to find some information out of who they worked for but as she was reading it she started tearing up and crying as it wasn't a bandit hideout but it was a group of people who got there homes destroyed by the imperials and had met up to hunt and live in peace. Satoshi stood up looking at yukino put his hand on her head and said softly "there was no way we could of known" yukino dropped the journal and hugged satoshi tightly while crying as it reminded her of the kind man she met who took her in. She gained a memory of her past but it was not a nice or fun memory sadly. The two of them started walking down the tower when suddenly Yukino collapsed, Satoshi ran over to her and noticed the wound she had on her arm but it wasn't a normal wound it was a silver arrow wound which could be fatal to the undead. Satoshi quickly picked her up and decided to head to the companions for help as knowing they where werewolves he was hoping they could help in away and set off running as fast as he could while Yukino was in his arms heavily panting unconscious.






hope you all enjoy the stories people post about there character looking forward to read yours :smile:


Sorry for grammar also id like to know if your enjoying the story so far or your thoughts on it even if it is about my bed spelling and paragraphing lol im hoping to improve ^^


Updated as of 10/6 17:04 GMT

Edited by Shiroryoo
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Name: Ro'aan Kane

Age: 36

Race: Tali'ies (Werewolf Race from the impenetrable Mountains bordering Skyrim, Cyrodil, Hammersfell)


Ro'aan's Clan are a reclusive Gypsy like people, living on the move and their lives based on the hunt, a highly predatory Race the Tali'ies thrive on combat challenge, the higher the challenge, the greater the honor in the kill. Also a prideful Race, not only in the hunt, but in all aspects of their lives, including an interest in enhancing their Appearance through grooming and ornamentation leading to production and craftmanship in Textiles, Jewellery, Light armor and Weaponry, often trading with people traversing through the Mountains between Countries, such as Merchants.


The Tali'ies are a result of a union between Hircine and Kyne, creating a Race of Beings not quite Human or Wolf, but something in between...They are a dark skinned, dark eyed, black haired people, tall and with great physical strength and endurance, combining Human and Werewolf traits in both strengths and weaknesses.


Ro'aan entered Skyrim on an extended hunt, though a seasoned Warrior he was caught unarmed and unprepared, was bathing himself when a skirmish between Ulfric's Guard and the Imperials broke out near to his position, Ro'aan caught up in the net.


Ro'aan has little time for Man and Mer, being nothing more than potential prey to him, but the opportunity to hunt Dragons is irresistible and so Ro'aan choose to join the fray...He also engages with the Dawnguard, with a strongly built in natural aversion to the Undead, the Dawnguard offers him opportunities to engage in a full frontal destruction of a breed of undead, the Vampires...he has difficulty accepting working with Serana, having first taken her back to Isran suspecting she may be of benefit to live for the time being, on Isran's orders until such a time that Serana no longer fulfills any useful purpose, at which time Ro'aan dispatches her.


He is not an immoral or moral soul, more so amoral...is solely instinctual...hunting the challenging for both the thrill of the hunt and food, having a preference for Bandits, Thalmor, Necromancers, Soldiers and Guards as a food source...not for money or for glory, food sources worthy of the hunt and battle. The Dragons are the glory.

Edited by KanesGhost
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