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What is your Skyrim battle music?


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Occasionally I need some background music to amp up the epic scale of my games (though Skyrim wont need any amping) and was just wondering what music you guys and gals plan to have in the background while you slay some dragons? Personally I think there is no song more suiting then The Chosen Ones by Dream Evil. WE ARE THE CHOSEN ONES! WE SLAY THE DRAGON!



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Cry Thunder by Dragonforce



Dragonforce. Ahh a classic. Theirs no beating their guitarists but too bad the video quality isn't too good

I know right? Too bad their new album doesn't come out until early next year. Hopefully they'll release a music video of Cry Thunder early.

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Absolutely epic... When I listen to Amon Amarth all I can thonk of is Skyrim... and the other way around... so damn fitting.




Or this one... :biggrin: It has snow wraths :laugh: Or were they called Ice wraths?



Edited by SickFak
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