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Simple but useful tip!


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As an ex-army tank gunner, I've noticed a reference to killing targets with magical target spells, with a bit of practise first time from a 3rd person view at up to ranges 1000km and beyond! Ah em! well you know what I mean, a long way anyhow! This sort of stuff , really rocks my boat. First of all you need to download and install Apachii Godess Store mod. Once installed, go get a wig from the entrance hall, Wig Ren White New. This is your key to target data. Once worn, just think you are Legolas from LOTR and all will be natural. Now the point is, the plaited band around your head, is the target elevation and depression target marker. If you are looking uphill or downhill at your intended target, this is your marker! Line it up with your intended victim, voila! No need for a crosshair! Edited by Zapata935
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