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Shaders have no effect?


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Hi there,


I'm new to this and wanted to play Oblivion with some graphic mods. After some googling, I downloaded and installed (properly I think, since I can also run other mods) Wyre Bash. After that I downloaded the Oblivion Graphics Extender (and its requirements) + OBGE Standalone Effects and installed them using Wyre Bash (read the readme-files aswell). I use the shaderlist.txt to enable the shaders.

Now, when I start the game using that OBSE thing and try to load a save I see the game how it should look like with the shaders activated. But after a few seconds the game freezes (which I read is normal?) for like 10 seconds and then the game just looks like without shaders. I have no idea how to fix that. I tried to google, but didn't find anything.

Hope any of you guys can help me. Would be very appreciated.




My English is not very good as you probably already noticed, sorry for that. Hope you understood what I mean anyway :>

Edited by Blubberblubslol
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Do you have the .esp plugin that activates the OBGE Configuration Menu item loading with Oblivion? If so, disable it as it ignores shaderlist.txt.
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