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Show real damage inflicted in the UI


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Hi all

i was wondering if is possible (or already done) a mod that shows the real damage inflicted to enemies, instead of showing the base values. For example damage inflicted by the spell Flames is 8, in legendary 0.25x = 2, so why doesn't the UI show directly 2 ? :ninja: And other weapons too

Is it possible? Is related to SkyUI or to skyrim itself?

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The scaling applied by difficulty level is done completely separately at the time of the attack so the numbers you see in SkyUI are the numbers the game is reporting.


More importantly the scaling affects both the player and NPCs but in opposite ways. So which scaled value should it use, the damage the player will deal with it or the damage NPCs will do?

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The scaling applied by difficulty level is done completely separately at the time of the attack so the numbers you see in SkyUI are the numbers the game is reporting.


More importantly the scaling affects both the player and NPCs but in opposite ways. So which scaled value should it use, the damage the player will deal with it or the damage NPCs will do?

thank you for your answer

it would use the damage inflicted from the player to the npc, because its more important to know i think, and you can't tell on the damage based on the enemy skills


i think i will be happy with something like this http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59528/?


but i wish to really know how much numerical damage i deal to enemies, one way or another

Edited by maxtheduke
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