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Equip the Unequipable?


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Hey everyone, just looking for some help here...

I have been using the "Ghost Armor" and "Plate Armor Plus" mods for a while ago, and everything was just peachy until I ran into a little snag...

I was wearing the full gear when I loaded another area. That was when I heard the "un-equip" sound, and when I checked, the head armor or

mask had removed itself. Now, whenever I try to reequip it, it tells me in the top left and corner that "Half-mask equipped", but neither the

graphic nor the stats appear about my character. In my menu, the title itself does not appear highlighted to show that it was equipped either.

I try several times, but I never get the "Half-mask was un-equipped" message, and this bug has seemed to take over the "Ghost Armor" mod

as well, not being able to equip the head gear from that one either.

Now, I have already tried un-equipping my character from everything, but it still doesn't work. I try with a clean file or a new save, and it still

doesn't work. I would appreciate any help right now, because this one is starting to bother me...


Thanks in advance,


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