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I’m having difficulty adding items to a vendor


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I’m at my wits end trying to add a new item to a vendors list for them to sell. I’ve searched the forum for answers but I can’t seem to find what I need.


I’ve attempted the methods outlined in the following guide but I’ve enjoyed no luck.



The item I’ve made them try to sell (Flour – amongst others) simply isn’t in their list of sellable goods when I talk to them.


I’ve been trying all damn day of loading in and out the game trying to get this to work but I’m now at the very end of my rope.


Is there something wrong with the tutorial? In point 5 of the “Creating a new container owned by the vendor” option, it states that you should give the container a reference ID, but I’m not sure how that information is then used. I definitely set the ownership of the container correctly as in step 5, and I’ve tried waiting three days to see if the item needs to “respawn.” No luck.


What am I doing wrong?

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After a few days and some sweat and tears I’ve figured out how to add items using the “Creating a quest/script to add the items to the NPC's existing vendor container” method as outlined in the tutorial (second option.)


However, in doing it this way I’ve had to make a sacrifice. It seems I can’t set an item condition and now everything I add is sold by the relevant vendor at 100% condition (which always seems out-of-place.)


How can I, in a script, set the condition of an item?


Here is what my script currently looks like:


Scn zzAddItemstoVendorSCRIPT


Begin gameMode

VendorContainerLydiaMontenegroRef.additem DLC02WeapKnifeCombatWasteland 1

VendorContainerLydiaMontenegroRef.additem OutfitColonelAutumn 1

VendorContainerSeagraveHolmesRef.additem DLC05weapPaulsonsRevolver 1

VendorContainerFlakAndShrapnelRef.additem DLC01WeapInfiltrator 1

VendorContainerBannonRef.additem MS15ButtonsWig 1

VendorContainerBannonRef.additem OutfitChineseCommandoJumpsuit 1

VendorContainerBannonRef.additem OutfitChineseCommandoHat 1

VendorContainerBannonRef.additem DLC05PaulsonsOutfit 1

stopquest zzAddItemstoVendor




I thank you in advance.

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I normally get the new container way to work ok so my suggestion is untested by me except via console.


Try using AddItemHealthPercent instead of additem

"VendorContainerLydiaMontenegroRef.AddItemHealthPercent DLC02WeapKnifeCombatWasteland 1 condition 0.50" would add 1 at 50%.

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That’s it! The script doesn’t recognise “condition” but once that’s left out, yes!


"VendorContainerLydiaMontenegroRef.AddItemHealthPercent DLC02WeapKnifeCombatWasteland 1 0.50" does the trick to add something at half its health.


I just can’t get the new container method to work. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but I’m glad I’ve done it this way now – I can change everything from one script and if I’m unhappy with something, it’s all in one place and I don’t have to load a cell.


Thanks very much vforvic :-) my ideal mod has taken a giant leap forward.


p.s., for those who might not know, sometimes using a script to add an item to an existing chest doesn’t work because it’s being added to the wrong chest. I realised I was trying to add to “VendorContainerSergeantDurgaRef” when I should’ve been trying to add to “VendorChestBuriedKnightSergeantDurgaRef.”

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About the "new container method" - make sure you are testing on a clean save. If you enter a cell, all items will stay the same due to save data. So, deactivate your mod, go kill some muties, reactivate mod (with changes), see if that works. Also, make sure the container is set to respawn, has money in it, is set as the merchant container... So yeah, hope I helped, good luck with ur mod :)
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Hey! Cheers FakePersonality.


Any one of those things I could’ve been screwing up, but tbh I think I’m accustomed to the add-items-via-quest/script method now. I respect there are pros and cons with each approach and I’ll just have to be careful when mixing mods.


But speaking of being careful, I’m sad to say that my mod has to be started again from scratch.


Sob story time :-(


I think it had something to do with me tinkering with a duplicated world activator (a workbench to be precise.) I had a perk where the user can craft any of their six different grenade types (frag, nuka, etc) into lighter, less AP-costing duplicated versions – but the canon workbench only has 9 slots in the button select menu and 7 are already taken (as I found, to my chagrin, out the hard way.)


So I made a new workbench and placed it in the game. The perk worked absolutely swimmingly! But unfortunately when I recently tried to boot up the G.E.C.K. it froze just after loading everything then I got an error message telling me the application needs to close.


“No biggie.” I thought. “I’ll just delete it from my F3 data file and put in my most recent backup.” I did this, and got the same crash and freeze and “need to close” as the last one! “O...kay.” Thought I, deleting it and loading up the next backup. Same problem. And the next. And the next. And the next. Seven backups down the line and I can load up again, but by this point I don’t know what I’ve done, repaired, tinkered with or what or why (and I was in the middle/near end of a large and messy perk-based expansion to my mod.) So a 600kb mod was flushed and I’m starting again from scratch. Not too big and I’m sure this experience could be trumped with another REAL horror story for someone around here, but still...


I have no evidence it was that workbench clone that did it, but my gut tells me I put something wrong in the script and the GECK threw a wobbler.


But it’s not all bad. The mod was at least a year old anyway and now I get to start again and explore some things that didn’t work first time around (due to errors or my own inexperience.) Besides, working with mods before I ALWAYS heavily document everything: so I’ve got a neat to-do list 14 word files long. I’m already making good progress but I’m still much vexed! Another one of my new perks in particular took 2 days and still wasn’t finished.


Anyway, that’s my story – but it’s by no means the end.


Eyes of Libra will rise again!

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