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Retexture to Standalone Help with the GECK

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I have a couple of retexture mods I made awhile back that I would love to turn into standalone mods for both PC and XboxOne users. I am used to FO4Edit, but to make the XboxOne mods, I need to use the GECK. I have been messing around with the GECK, but I still need help. If anyone could help me with these questions below, I'd greatly appreciate it:


1. For a weapon retexture, how do you make it standalone in the GECK? I feel like I have all of the correct paths assigned in NifSkope, Material Editor, and in the item description in the GECK. I added it to a location in the render window and I can see it in the render window. But it never appears in the game. I've added the .esp and texture/mesh/material files, but I don't know why it doesn't show up. I've actually searched for the item in the game with the console command, and it appears in the inventory with it's new stats, but it is still the vanilla texture.


2. For a painting retexture, how do you make it standalone with the GECK? I think I can just add it to the workshop using this video (https://youtu.be/Vw1aByRrmnw), but I don't know how to find (or attach a new texture to) the item in the GECK.



I'm still a pretty new modder, but I'm learning new things every day. I'd really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction. Thanks.

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There's nothing preventing you from making your mod in xEdit and then just loading it with CK and uploading. You don't even have to make any changes to upload it. I tend to use a combo of CK and xEdit.


Specifically related to your re-texture questions. If you want to make your re-texture of an armor a completely new armor, you would need to copy the armor and armor addon records. Then in the one armor point to your new armor addon. In the Armor addon you add a material swap for your retexture. That's it. An alternative to making new items is to make mods for the color swaps. I have a youtube video on how to do that in xEdit. Slightly dated since there's been some updates but I've added notations for any changes that might be applicable.


If these don't get you where you want let me know I'll see if I can do a material swap tutorial for CK. I've never done weapons, but you might look at the SCAR-LK esp. It has weapon mswp for the gun.


Make re-texture new armor

Making material swap mods

Edited by BigAndFlabby
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AFAIK you can upload a straight re-texture replacer. You just have to make a dummy esp (load CK and save without making any edits) then pack the textures in the texture ba2.


Some people might prefer standalones (ex: material swaps as new armor items) but that also means you have to implement some sort of distribution. Either making them craftable at the chem lab, or require AWKCR and use one of its supplied benches, or edit a leveled list/vendor list. Editing the lists opens up a can of incompatibilities with any other mods that might use that list as well.

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AFAIK you can upload a straight re-texture replacer. You just have to make a dummy esp (load CK and save without making any edits) then pack the textures in the texture ba2.


Some people might prefer standalones (ex: material swaps as new armor items) but that also means you have to implement some sort of distribution. Either making them craftable at the chem lab, or require AWKCR and use one of its supplied benches, or edit a leveled list/vendor list. Editing the lists opens up a can of incompatibilities with any other mods that might use that list as well.

Can you clarify what you mean by packing the textures in the texture ba2?

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