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Settlement Loudspeaker


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Hey, any chance someone could be nice enough to create a loudspeaker that is mounted on a pole or mountable on a wall that plays the different Radio stations? Maybe even modded radio stations if possible. I just think that it'd be nice for my settlers to listen to music while working. The vanilla radio just isn't loud enough in my opinion and I don't think increasing the speakers throughout the game world is a good solution either.


Thanks in advance!

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Why wasn't this ever made? I realy want this. You have no idea how much I want loud speakers across my settlements. You know what I'd super love though announcement loud speakers. So when something is wrong in the settlement the speakers interrupt the music to make an announcement and let you know. Kind of like minutemen radio was meant to be but less annoying.

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I can't model, so the best I think I can do is using the siren model and try turning it into a loud radio that requires power....I think....


If you want me to give it a go PM me and I'll add you to my "to do" que

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