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Willow is Stuck


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I recently installed the Willow companion mod and the underground hideout mod




When i went to the underground hideout I activated the quest to gain access. Willow is not stuck in the final room of that quest.


She will not move at all. If I use her radio I can move to her but she cannot move to me. I also tried the prid moveto player command but it returns an error.


Any way i can get Willow back to me?

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1. Is Willow's esp lower in your load list in FOMM than the Underground hideout esp?


2. What version of Willow do you have? If you have v97, the radio function was broken, which I didn't realize until after release (it broke for no apparent reason; I didn't anticipate that as I assumed it would continue to work. I hadn't changed the script at all). Did you try the emergency return option? If you have v97.1 then that's another issue.


3. If you tried prid and you got an error you might need to adjust the mod index number as they are not always accurate. You could add one or two to that number to see if you can get her out.


That's all I can think of right now. If you continue to be stuck and want more help feel free to come talk to me in Willow's thread as I sometimes forget about threads out here in the forums :psyduck:


:) llama

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(Hi Llama. Me still rockin' with Willow - I continue to be amazed at the depth of this mod.)


@ nickbe: if load order or other fixes don't work, try taking her journal. Willow's been stuck on rare occasions in my game and that simple fix always snaps her out of it for me. GL

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