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D:< PLEAS REPLY! my mod isn't working properly.


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THE PERSON WHO HELPS ME SHALL GET A DR PEPPER CODE IF SHE OR HE IS INTERESTED. I hope this time i actually get more than one reply ._., Help me, i made a mod k? it's sorta a sword i edited the sheshkabab a hell lot to make it, so yeah i am done with it retextured it i put it into geck, and stuff, anyways when i finally put it in game it shows up as the shishkabab, but i didn't overwrite the shishkabab i made a new id and stuff plus i changed the model to my model and it's textures with my textures, so yeah anyone care to explain why the hell it wouldn't show up in the game ._. pleas be helpfull and don't just post one or two replies and never reply again, unless my problem was solved, thanks -bond. :| oh yeah and if you help me i'll kudos ya' and if by any chance you need a dr pepper code i'll give it to ya' Edited by BOND777
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First, what is dr pepper? Second, what program did you use to edit the model? And third, in Geck under art and sound, did you change the 1st person model object to NONE?
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http://i44.tinypic.com/hsoxs4.png http://i43.tinypic.com/3506rza.png I used nifskope, for the model editing and photoshop which i used for 3 years for the textureing :3 don't actually remember what i did with the 1st person model i remember looking up how to edit it and stuff. :> IT MAY LOOK POOR, BUT IT'S MY FIRST MOD. :> didn't work that much on the textureing though, still gonna change a few effects and stuff. Edited by BOND777
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Remove the Armor List, the 1st Person Model Object and remove the World Model in the geck, there is no need for them. Also, don't send me PM's to notify me that you responded to my post, there is no need for that either, you are just cluttering my messenger. Edited by Werne
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Weird, when I edit weapons I never add the world model. Anyway, add the world model but leave everythin else as it is.

OH MY GOD THANK YOU!!! KUDOS!!! if you want the dr pepper code i can give it to you, as promised if your interested, it basicly gives you extra content for your game if they are signed up for dr pepper like, mass effect or battlefield 3, check the website out if you like the rewards tell me i will give you your dr pepper code, happy early Halloween! :D

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