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With 13 days to go how are you feeling?


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I've just built a new computer with a 560 ti last night. I have the game pre-ordered and I've made sure to have no plans other than Skyrim for that long weekend. I know what race/class im going to make. All that's left for me to do now is get 4 days worth of snacks and I'm good to go!
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Having nightmares about Lucien Lachance. He visits my dreams and it makes me dread the return of the Dark Brotherhood.

I also have certain personality issues whenever M'aiq the Liar is brought up in conversation.

During my History exam, I didn't write about the Second World War. Instead I wrote about Tamriel's Lore. I mean, which world is it I'm going to live in for the next decade?

Waking up in the middle of the night, because I keep seeing a certain, invincible black horse in my dreams. It ain't pretty I tell you.

I ordered a coat, completely made out of bear-fur. In the hopes that the Skyrim folks would welcome me with open arms. I thought that if I they thought I'd slayed a bear, I'd get respect.

Somehow the personality issues kept appearing.


No, but seriously.

I'll relax and get as many things done as possible. The majority is schoolwork, though.

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I'm not sure how I can deal with this erection for 12 more days. I'm taking 10 days off work. Going to the midnight release at Gamestop. I've ordered posters, t-shirts and a hoodie. I have a GTX 580 already added to my shopping cart on Newegg just in case my dual 280's arent satisfactory. I'm drawing the Skyrim dragon on everything. I want to stealth kill people in McDonalds waiting line. Considering a tattoo. Other than that its really not a big deal.
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Not well. I have bought 8 games on steam only to be reminded of how bad they will be compared to Skyrim. I text and call people who have never played TES in their life, and tell them about every last detail I find on the internet about the game. I also do this to my wife, who thinks Tetris was the best game to ever be made. I am considering a fur cape, growing a beard, and packing around a sword till release. I have taken to drinking mead and eating roasted meat. Restless nights and feverish dreams of dragons. Not to mention the horrible fear my game will not arrive on release date, or that the delivery man will not leave it without a signature. I would be forced to order it from Steam, paying for it 2 times.


Other than that, I am trying to spend time with friends and family, away from the PC. On 11.11.11 I will vanish from real life for several weeks, months, maybe years.

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