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Letter of Apology


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Day 1: I have found myself in a particularly peculiar situation. While I slept, a brilliant flash of light began to pour from the mouth of my stationary PC, washing over my bed with such blinding limelight, as if it were waiting for me to approach it this entire time. As my eyes flickered from their heavy slumber, the spotlight remained still and silent, spare the humming buzz of my hypnotized computer. I always dreamed of how this moment would come into essence, and to be honest, this is more spectacular than I ever tried to fantasize. I imagined it would go something like this:


Twas the night before the 11th, when all through the abode, there was but a single snoring; I was in my dream mode. For when I was dreaming of that woman on the beer ad, Todd made his way right into my pad. Struggling and huffing with a bag over his shoulder, he removed a copy of Skyrim, who's touch couldn't be colder. He placed it beneath my tree and kissed my forehead wet, and flew through my roof, with more deadlines soon to be met.



After staring at the light for a good five minutes, I slowly crawled, knee by knee, hand reaching clumsily; to what surely must be a winter wonderland. Snowflakes belched from behind the icy screen and on a frosty wind, mysterious Christmas songs echoing from the blue void. I looked over my shoulder to the thrashing commotion of my bed sheets, and as I gazed back to my alpine portal, a frozen tear licked the bottom of my left cheek. I reached in, secured a handful of what felt like snow, and like a curious five year old, I crawled into the realm of Tamriel.



Day 5: I made it. Finally....finally, I have made it. I stand here now on such a rigid, mountainous cliff side, a massive valley opening up beneath me at the feet of these snow-topped summits. It's as if the world has yawned for the first time, and the condensation forming from its life giving breath has molded such a magnificent creation, a beauty so grand and like it that I can't even begin to tell the difference. The sun glimmers on a sea of winter air, the wind howls around me, and I am immediately drawn below to a more powerful presence. Although I am newly reborn, and I am trying to get my baby steps under control; my ears can pick up the slight calling of a dragon below. The nasty beast knows I'm here and its waiting for me to journey into its den. Perhaps, being an Argonian, we are somewhat of cousins, a rivaling link chained between us. Time has yet to prove this a disadvantage. I may be exhausted from pulling myself out of that cave and from a prisoners death awaiting me, but it is a depriving feeling too weak compared to what grows within me. My heart beats with the fire of a dragon and my skin tightens like the scales of those flying savages; it won't be long now until my thirsting blood feeds on the souls of the Jills. I'm not certain how long this adventure will last-years....decades... millennium even-, but what I do know is that this place is an enormous story waiting to be written and the empty pages are begging for words to be put to their paper. I am the answer to that problem, I am the Dragonborn, and this story shall be sealed when my time is done here. To my parents, brother, and niece:


I love all of you, but you know that I can never come back from my destiny. This place needs me, these people need me. I have become their champion now, sitting on Akatosh's knee, with the hand of Azura over my shoulder. I wish all of you the best of luck within your lives, and I ask that you don't attempt to find me. Just know that I am safe and well, and that you will forever be in my mind for as long as I shall continue to exist. But to my niece, if you have behaved and are lucky, I may invite you to visit Tamriel, for your feet to shiver gleefully in the permafrost for the first time, just like mine did. Maybe you can become a real princess, true royalty, if only for an afternoon; the dragon crown sitting on your head in the magnificent paradise that is Skyrim, the only second Valhalla.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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