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Dean Domino companion marker still visible on Mojave Wasteland map


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I've had an issue since returning to the Mojave from the Dead Money DLC, in that the little triangle marker for Dean Domino remains on my Pip-Boy map.


I had to do the console command method of resetting his dialogue in order to prevent him from going hostile in the Sierra Madre, and at some point along the way I also triggered his 'companion' status, so that he stood in the Sierra Madre lobby and took pot-shots at the invading Ghost People.


When I returned to the BoS bunker, I found Dean's marker directly in the centre of the Mojave map, I think near the Gypsum train yards. Using 'player.moveto' the first time put me back in the Tampico Theatre with no sign of Dean, and the 'moveto player' did make Dean appear once, but he ran off and I couldn't initiate dialogue with him. Now it doesn't even make him appear (either in the Sierra Madre or the Mojave) but his companion marker moves to the location I'm standing at.


I've tried the new Companion Dismissal terminals (no effect), console commands 'disable' (no effect), and the commands 'kill' and 'zap' make my game crash a few seconds after using them (I tried moving "Dean" to my location, moving to a different cell and then killing/zapping him, still crashed).


Is there any way people know of to fix this? I suppose I could try disabling the Dead Money add-on, but I'm worried this would lead to save-game instability.

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