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Reload Animation - Assault Rifle Help


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Hey guys.

I made a semi-automatic version of the assault rifle, it works fine in most respects, the only problem I have is with the reload animation, originally the rifle used ReloadAnim ReloadA and AttackAnim AttackLoop, I changed the AttackAnim to AttackLeft otherwise it wouldn't fire, knowing that the reload animation would now be different I changed the ReloadAnim to ReloadC, this caused the rifle to reload like a sniper rifle, which works pretty well, reloading doesn't replace the clip however, which breaks immersion a bit.


Here's my question: Is there any combination of ReloadAnim and AttackAnim that will allow the clip to be replaced like in an assault rifle?

However for obvious reasons any combination involving AttackAnim AttackLoop will not suffice.


If no combination of ReloadAnim and AttackAnim (without AttackLoop) will allow the clip to be replaced,

here is an alternate question: Is there any way that I can make (through file editing (hopefully of a form list)) a combination of these yield the desired animation.


Thanks in advance.



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Set weapon values under Art and Sound tab in GECK like this:


Under flags uncheck Automatic


Change Attack Anim to AttackRight


Set Animation Type to TwoHandAutomatic


Set Reload Anim to ReloadA


Set Hand Grip to DEFAULT


Now it's semi-auto and it reloads like an assault rifle.

Edited by Werne
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Thanks :smile: the assault rifle reloads properly now.


If I may ask something else off topic though, I've been trying to swap the model 1stpersong3assaultrifle for 1stpersoninfiltrator or g3assaultriflescopedsilenced but I can't find a way to do so as the 1stperson model list doesn't allow me to browse for a file that isn't part of a loaded .esp file, I know that I could simply load the pitt.esp but then my mod would be reliant upon it, I don't want that.


There isn't a form list that governs what files make up the 1stperson model list either, I checked.


So here's the question: How can I use a meshe that isn't part of a loaded .esp file to replace an existing 1stperson model on a weapon?

Edited by Akatosh2903
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