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Scythe weapon request


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Hi everybody


iv looked around for answers and tutorials on making a weapon and enchanting them with unique enchantments but i have no idea how to do it myself id like to try but id probably screw something up -_-


this is the scythe id like https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e6/02/85/e60285fe29a6dec626161b78962e1543.jpg


if possible id like it with the bloodskal enchanment and im not sure if its possible or capable of doing its not something i would consider important for the weapon but id like it to have different power attack for example a normal forward attack would be a straight down slash but a running forward power attack would be a spinning attack etc im not even sure its possible to have -_-


id like the weapon to be the site of a battleaxe but held with one hand using one handed skills


also whille im requesting something would it be possible to make https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2b/00/b3/2b00b33fcd1758f762782d9f57cb03d6.jpg


think it would go well with the scythe ^^


thanks for looking

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