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Sapphire is way too mean!


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Sapphire is way too mean. i want her to be nice to me and everyone else!! any mods to make her nice? or at least not mean?

she's got reason to be a bi... a bit mean, dontcha think? I've never seen a mod to change this. I've seen one that stops Brynjolf's irritating "not right now lad/lass" but never one to change Sapphire's personality ('course that doesn't mean there isn't one). To be honest, I'd be a little irritable too if I had to go through what she did. We're all lucky that she joined the TG instead of the DB



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Sapphire is way too mean. i want her to be nice to me and everyone else!! any mods to make her nice? or at least not mean?

she's got reason to be a bi... a bit mean, dontcha think? I've never seen a mod to change this. I've seen one that stops Brynjolf's irritating "not right now lad/lass" but never one to change Sapphire's personality ('course that doesn't mean there isn't one). To be honest, I'd be a little irritable too if I had to go through what she did. We're all lucky that she joined the TG instead of the DB



well how can i make one?

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Welp, I suppose you can grab Sapphire in the CK and smack her AI around until she learns her lesson. Maybe replace her voice files with something a little more gentle and sweet. Change the dialogue where she's all angsty and bitter to something more along the lines of skittle and rainbows. I'd retexture her armor with a gentle touch of pink just for good measure.

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Welp, I suppose you can grab Sapphire in the CK and smack her AI around until she learns her lesson. Maybe replace her voice files with something a little more gentle and sweet. Change the dialogue where she's all angsty and bitter to something more along the lines of skittle and rainbows. I'd retexture her armor with a gentle touch of pink just for good measure.

Thanks. Just got creation kit. Now to use it...but first gotta go to youtube and look up how to use it. derp.

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Changing her voice type and normal demeanor is pretty simple, but she has multiple unique dialogues, so in order to change those, you'd need either the original, or a totally new, voice actor to record all new lines. Ans then ... well ... that would pretty much destroy her character, and make her just another of the 10 bajillion other generic females in game.

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If you'd actually invested time into the thieves guild questline and into talking to Sapphire, you'd know that Sapphire has reasons for being defensive, and you'd know that she gets nicer when you earn her trust--and not a moment before. That's who she is as a character. What's the point of Sapphire being Sapphire if you're going to erase the literal core concept of her character? Just go marry Lydia. She's sworn to carry your burdens and not call you stupid to your face, so you won't have to destroy another perfectly good character just so you can finally have a girl be nice to you.

Edited by TheSpaceShuttleChallenger
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