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My Three Hours With Skyrim, Two Brave Bosmers and One Lying Khajiit


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If he is going to do an overview of his 3 hours of playing Skyrim (which is basically the title), you have to expect spoilers. Hell, I think the Golden Claw quest is pretty much spoiled for everyone who has read any reviews by anyone.


That being said, you guys don't have to be quite so aggressive to Bazy... He just doesn't understand what the purpose of the article was.

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1) That's exactly what they are. Sorry.


2) What spoilers?


You were out of line. CrzyFool didn't have to do anything. If you'd like to critique, be polite about it, don't slander a person who owes you nothing.


"I gave an exemplar of something great he added in his preview. He described a battle that was very informative on what it would be like to play the game and how some of the mechanics and environments interact. This is awesome. This is a good preview. And do to that he didn't need to tell me the name of the dungeon, the name of the NPC he was fighting with, how he accepted the quest, where he accepted the quest etc. All of which he included earlier and I don't think are appropriate."


Also slander is making a false defamatory oral statement. I'm not sure how I did that. Nor am I sure how I was being immpolite. I gave no ad hominom attacks. I was blunt about what I thought was good and bad about the article and what I would prefer to see differently.

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So im just guessing there would be major spoilers here right? :ohdear:


I just finished it. It didn't have any major spoilers. Just some info about very minor quests and such. The artical also had some descriptions of places, but nothing to major.


BTW: It was an awesome preview! Ripten's previews are by far my favorite for Skyrim.

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Oh, I have a question for you ripten: What did Oakflesh actually do?


If you don't remember the exact stats that isn't a big deal, I'm just curious if it was an actual +Armor buff, if it lowered damage by a set amount, or was a shield that would disappear after taking a set amount of damage (100 points, etc...). I'm mostly asking because the spell system is so very different in Skyrim then the previous TES games and I'm really curious how much stuff will stack.

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"I gave an exemplar of something great he added in his preview. He described a battle that was very informative on what it would be like to play the game and how some of the mechanics and environments interact. This is awesome. This is a good preview. And do to that he didn't need to tell me the name of the dungeon, the name of the NPC he was fighting with, how he accepted the quest, where he accepted the quest etc. All of which he included earlier and I don't think are appropriate."


Also slander is making a false defamatory oral statement. I'm not sure how I did that. Nor am I sure how I was being immpolite. I gave no ad hominom attacks. I was blunt about what I thought was good and bad about the article and what I would prefer to see differently.


Not "slander" then. You're right. Wrong word.


Just try not to cut-down people when they provide a courtesy. Okay, buddy?

Edited by Jermungand
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Fantastic article Dave. Your adventure was truly unique. I haven't felt this excited for Skyrim since I saw that first trailer. As a fellow writer, I admire your work here. A very gripping review. Well done. :thumbsup: :happy:
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I really enjoyed this review! I think that that while you tried very hard to avoid the GC quest, you ended up with it anyway because bethesda (so I heard) had a certain build of the game for people to review and it's probably built in guaranteed you'll end up with it like as not.


Werewolves aren't in anyway, so you missed nothing there. Hopefully they put them into DLC. As for the thing with the oil, that was brilliant of you and Bethesda! Now, if water can be used with electricity, I'll really be even more impressed :)

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