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My Three Hours With Skyrim, Two Brave Bosmers and One Lying Khajiit


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The worst part was the massively blatant spoilers such that I had to stop reading. That didn't stop me from catching a glimpse of the massive map spoiler with arrows pointing to where you can find a certain NPC.


The nature of the NPC you're talking about is one where I think the location where he found him/her is not as much of a spoiler as you may think it is.

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I really don't get why a few people expect a preview of skyrim to be the player writing down stats/perks/items/new features then posting it .. thats not really a preview thats just a wiki... the way Bethesda set pre release press plays was to give them a taste of the game .. and what better way to get a taste of the game? .. Dave did post a good amount of new info but also gave us an example of things that could happen in Skyrim along our questing. Edited by jedimembrain
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I thought this preview was going to be different than the dozens of others. Unfortunately for the most part it wasn't. Mostly just a play by play of the individual's experience. We don't want to hear about your story. We want to hear about the game.


The worst part was the massively blatant spoilers such that I had to stop reading. That didn't stop me from catching a glimpse of the massive map spoiler with arrows pointing to where you can find a certain NPC.


When will those in the industry lucky enough to get this opportunity realize what people want out of previews. You talked about how you can use environmental effects during battle. That's what I want to hear about, thank you. But please spare us the play by play, especially after you criticize others for doing just that. And for the love of God please leave out spoilers.

Believe it or not, previews are not written specifically to cater to existing fans and provide a stream of features for them to analyze. Generally, the publisher allows the press to play it in order to spread buzz about the game and increase pre-orders/sales; if you're already planning to buy the game but want to know more anyway, that's unfortunate. That's not the author's fault.


The only "spoiler" I can think of is Ma'iq, and he's already been confirmed in other previews around the same location; what else were you referring to as a spoiler? Doesn't that include the other game features you were requesting? Isn't the nature of a preview to spoil small parts of the game so people want to see the rest?


Dave was kind enough to field questions from us in the week leading up to his visit...if you'd been here longer than 3 posts, you'd have had the opportunity for which you were looking. It's selfish and ungrateful to assume he'd write some sort of tell-all specifically tailored to what you believe "people" want out of it, and it's very rude to chastise him when he's spent so much time and effort on these forums keeping us informed.

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I thought this preview was going to be different than the dozens of others. Unfortunately for the most part it wasn't. Mostly just a play by play of the individual's experience. We don't want to hear about your story. We want to hear about the game.


The worst part was the massively blatant spoilers such that I had to stop reading. That didn't stop me from catching a glimpse of the massive map spoiler with arrows pointing to where you can find a certain NPC.


When will those in the industry lucky enough to get this opportunity realize what people want out of previews. You talked about how you can use environmental effects during battle. That's what I want to hear about, thank you. But please spare us the play by play, especially after you criticize others for doing just that. And for the love of God please leave out spoilers.

Believe it or not, previews are not written specifically to cater to existing fans and provide a stream of features for them to analyze. Generally, the publisher allows the press to play it in order to spread buzz about the game and increase pre-orders/sales; if you're already planning to buy the game but want to know more anyway, that's unfortunate. That's not the author's fault.


The only "spoiler" I can think of is Ma'iq, and he's already been confirmed in other previews around the same location; what else were you referring to as a spoiler? Doesn't that include the other game features you were requesting? Isn't the nature of a preview to spoil small parts of the game so people want to see the rest?


Dave was kind enough to field questions from us in the week leading up to his visit...if you'd been here longer than 3 posts, you'd have had the opportunity for which you were looking. It's selfish and ungrateful to assume he'd write some sort of tell-all specifically tailored to what you believe "people" want out of it, and it's very rude to chastise him when he's spent so much time and effort on these forums keeping us informed.


I don't see anywhere in my post where I asked for a listing of stats or a stream of features. You are putting words in my mouth.


I simply want a preview of the game that doesn't involve 1) another play by play of one individual's experience, or 2) spoilers.


I gave an exemplar of something great he added in his preview. He described a battle that was very informative on what it would be like to play the game and how some of the mechanics and environments interact. This is awesome. This is a good preview. And do to that he didn't need to tell me the name of the dungeon, the name of the NPC he was fighting with, how he accepted the quest, where he accepted the quest etc. All of which he included earlier and I don't think are appropriate.


You may think I'm being rude. That is certainly not my intention, I simply wanted to give an honest opinion.

Edited by Bazy
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I thought this preview was going to be different than the dozens of others. Unfortunately for the most part it wasn't. Mostly just a play by play of the individual's experience. We don't want to hear about your story. We want to hear about the game.


The worst part was the massively blatant spoilers such that I had to stop reading. That didn't stop me from catching a glimpse of the massive map spoiler with arrows pointing to where you can find a certain NPC.


When will those in the industry lucky enough to get this opportunity realize what people want out of previews. You talked about how you can use environmental effects during battle. That's what I want to hear about, thank you. But please spare us the play by play, especially after you criticize others for doing just that. And for the love of God please leave out spoilers.

Believe it or not, previews are not written specifically to cater to existing fans and provide a stream of features for them to analyze. Generally, the publisher allows the press to play it in order to spread buzz about the game and increase pre-orders/sales; if you're already planning to buy the game but want to know more anyway, that's unfortunate. That's not the author's fault.


The only "spoiler" I can think of is Ma'iq, and he's already been confirmed in other previews around the same location; what else were you referring to as a spoiler? Doesn't that include the other game features you were requesting? Isn't the nature of a preview to spoil small parts of the game so people want to see the rest?


Dave was kind enough to field questions from us in the week leading up to his visit...if you'd been here longer than 3 posts, you'd have had the opportunity for which you were looking. It's selfish and ungrateful to assume he'd write some sort of tell-all specifically tailored to what you believe "people" want out of it, and it's very rude to chastise him when he's spent so much time and effort on these forums keeping us informed.


I don't see anywhere in my post where I asked for a listing of stats or a stream of features. You are putting words in my mouth.


I simply want a preview of the game that doesn't involve 1) another play by play of one individual's experience, or 2) spoilers.

Then what the crap do you expect out of an article? What's left to say?

Edited by natelovesyou
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I thought this preview was going to be different than the dozens of others. Unfortunately for the most part it wasn't. Mostly just a play by play of the individual's experience. We don't want to hear about your story. We want to hear about the game.


The worst part was the massively blatant spoilers such that I had to stop reading. That didn't stop me from catching a glimpse of the massive map spoiler with arrows pointing to where you can find a certain NPC.


When will those in the industry lucky enough to get this opportunity realize what people want out of previews. You talked about how you can use environmental effects during battle. That's what I want to hear about, thank you. But please spare us the play by play, especially after you criticize others for doing just that. And for the love of God please leave out spoilers.

Believe it or not, previews are not written specifically to cater to existing fans and provide a stream of features for them to analyze. Generally, the publisher allows the press to play it in order to spread buzz about the game and increase pre-orders/sales; if you're already planning to buy the game but want to know more anyway, that's unfortunate. That's not the author's fault.


The only "spoiler" I can think of is Ma'iq, and he's already been confirmed in other previews around the same location; what else were you referring to as a spoiler? Doesn't that include the other game features you were requesting? Isn't the nature of a preview to spoil small parts of the game so people want to see the rest?


Dave was kind enough to field questions from us in the week leading up to his visit...if you'd been here longer than 3 posts, you'd have had the opportunity for which you were looking. It's selfish and ungrateful to assume he'd write some sort of tell-all specifically tailored to what you believe "people" want out of it, and it's very rude to chastise him when he's spent so much time and effort on these forums keeping us informed.


I don't see anywhere in my post where I asked for a listing of stats or a stream of features. You are putting words in my mouth.


I simply want a preview of the game that doesn't involve 1) another play by play of one individual's experience, or 2) spoilers.


1) That's exactly what they are. Sorry.


2) What spoilers? You mean that Golden Claw quest that none of us had previously heard of?


You were out of line. CrzyFool didn't have to do anything, but he did because he's awesome. If you'd like to critique, be polite about it, don't slander the courtesy of a person who owes you nothing.

Edited by Jermungand
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