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Mod idea iron hand quest


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Yknow that cave right by the necromancer stone when leaving the whiterun bridge I have scoped the mountain that ironhand is on and with his title and the two handed strength that goes with it I wondered why they didn't put a dead guy from the tip of the mountain "if you seen it you would know what I'm talking about" so my idea is a quest maybe some family in whiterun where the father goes out to kill ironhand but ends up dead kicked off the cliff and you return the family an heirloom or something I really felt there could have been more to it if you do this idea please credit me for thinking it
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If you go to where ironhand is there is a cliff and if you imagine him kicking someone off said cliff it will make sense look apast the treasure chest I'll post a picture tomorrow of what I'm talking about Edited by thelawfull
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Ahh, I see what you mean now. It seems simple enough to put a dead guy there, and technically the quest should be easy too. BUT who would the family be that was looking for him? You'd have to make all of them too if you wanted to go that route.
What if it was the type of quest you get in the taverns? You ask the barman if he's heard about any work and he says something along the lines of there being a missing person's notice, and he was last seen traveling towards Whiterun in that area. Then you go, clear out the place, kill Hajvarr, and your quest marker shows his body.

Or something like that. lol

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Amrens family sword is level based I just feel it doesn't do justice to the very few bandit leaders in this game and this would add a feeling of extra accomplishment and yeah it can go either way you can make it a simple inn quest but just remember to put emphasis on the guy who died either a big family or a big hero

Fighting for his family or for himself it would also add danger and emphasis of the bandit here's an idea amrens brother or cousin or something was the master of sword and shield and went away from home to teach bandits a lesson and was never seen again.

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It would even be great of the guy wasn't dead but mortally wounded and goes "somewhere" when you talk to him kinda how they did Astrid dieng just roleplay you giving him "medical treatment" this could go in multiple ways and still add a lot to this part of the game
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